Part 12

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Over the next days and weeks, Adrien and Marinette were doing their best to clean up the apartment they were sharing six years ago but there were many things they either couldn't get into their old state or they didn't even want to try.

Though there were many good memories there also was still the pain both had felt when they had thought their beloved partner had betrayed them. And so they decided to renovate the whole bedroom and parts of the bathroom, trying to get rid of all the painful memories.

After a few discussions, and asking Emma's opinion, both had agreed to keep their small kitchen the way it had been. But it still needed some fresh colours for the walls and so they were still sharing the large one on the ground floor with Gabriel and Nathalie.

The designer had even offered to give the young woman the time off, but she had told him that he wouldn't do that for his other clients either and so she was now doing her work in the office with him when Emma was in school and Adrien was modelling, and all three were painting and crafting all afternoon until they fell into bed already half asleep, often still covered in paint.

For the upcoming weekend they had decided to give it a rest and instead go shopping for materials, furniture, decorations and other similar things.

Emma had been going on about that for days already and couldn't stop talking about her very first trip with both her parents. Even the teacher from her school had asked the young woman about that when she had picked her daughter up.

Saturday morning, at eight o'clock, Nathalie entered the kitchen and was about to get the coffee machine going when she noticed that it was already turned on and looked around to see a very unusual person for this time of the day on a weekend.

"You're up early," She said with a yawn.

"So are you. You look as if you hadn't slept at all. Are you alright? Maybe you should take a break from your late night activities too." She joked. "But seriously, Nath, you look sick. Just go to bed and take at least one weekend off. We'll be gone all day and there won't be anyone who will be screaming and shouting, so you can catch up on some sleep."

The older woman shook her head.

"I went to bed around eight and was asleep before the episode I wanted to watch was over. I feel as if I got some infection or something. Maybe you're right and we should do certain things less frequently. I usually don't need to get up to pee in the middle of the night." She lamented.

Marinette looked up from her phone and directly at Nathalie now. Then she narrowed her eyes and examined her from head to toe and back.

"What are you doing?" Asked Nathalie.

The young female smiled at her as she got up and ordered her to.

"Sit! I'll make you your coffee and you're going to answer me a couple of questions in the meantime!"

The assistant furrowed her brows but obeyed, leaning her head onto her palm with another yawn.

Marinette posed her first question.

"How long have you had the pee issue?"

Nathalie thought for a moment then said.

"A couple of days, a week maybe,"

"And how long have you been feeling exhausted all of the time?"

The other woman shrugged.

"Just about as long. Why?"

Marinette smiled at her.

"Now I'll ask for a couple more details. Have you been sick or even throwing up? Do your breasts hurt? Any cravings?"

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