Chapter 12: It's still spine-chilling

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~~~~~~~The psychiatric hospital hangout ("Nutcase Center unit facility")~~~~~~~

Pass the entrance was the visitation and check-in area that now turned into a pool hall center with remembrance of what the facility once was by keeping drawings of the past patients alongside the portraits of the nurses and photographs of past events that occurred at the hospital.

The two were at one of the hallways which laid doors that leads to the patient's rooms.
"I-I  t-try to b-be..brave here..Tessa told me that there was this urban legend..when you go on the fifth floor to the fifteenth room you'll find the spirit of a belated patient hanging by r-rope from the c-ceiling..immolating his d-death.."


"S-something like that..l-lot of dark events happened..h-here when the hospital was running...from what I heard.."

~~~~~~~~Floor 1~~~~~~

The some of patient rooms were occupied by people playing cards, checkers, or chess. It made it less frightening than what it was before at least, the windows were brighten by cheery glowing lanterns, the halls were decorated by colorful stringed lights to help embellish the areas.

Old bulletins boards were still left hanging on the tattered walls that showed leftover past lists of equipment and doctors next to patients' names being underlined.

It started out cheery and lighthearted

Deeper and deeper they go, across a room of collapsed office cube walls that seemed to be turned into huts or forts which were occupied by mutated docile pets or by teenagers that looking for a place to rest in with friends.

Across laboratory rooms of other older teenagers that were seemed to be hooking up mutant animals onto experimental devices and other contraptions.

After a few more floors, they were so far just.. quite cheery places for survivors to socialize.
Areas that laid with multiple old twin beds that animals and more teens an kids would lie on, areas had tables an chairs placed across the rooms of teens with kids playing board games of intractable toys if not have spots to craft or create stuffed animals and food from supplies they bring.

~~~~~~~~~The mysterious elevator on floor 4~~~~~~~~

A elevator was seen at the end of a hallway, it was seen to be old, cover in bit of rust and crust.

The duo made their way past without taking notice until the elevator came to life by a deep beep. The twitchy metallic doors slowly open with a bit of a struggle. Lou and Ellen turned around at the elevator upon hearing the buzzing noise.

Nobody peered from the doors.

The two stared into the elevator while slowly making their way towards it.

There was nothing  but bone numbing, skin chilling, heart pounding.......eerie silence.

"I-I'm not-" suddenly Ellen was cut off by an unseen force shoving the two into the old elevator as it quickly slammed it's doors without any hesitation.

The unseen force slammed on the button that says "15"

Ellen clanged onto Lou's arm in fear. The elevator shot up through the floor at high speeds causing the two to collapse to their knees from the force of the pace ,the ceiling light blinked and buzzed, the two clung onto each other for comfort.

The numbers on the elevator rapidly change as the wind was blowing  violently, the lights blinked and buzzed louder, while the two clinched teeth and bared from what is going on for them. As the cold dreaded sickening feeling of emotions squeezed at their stomachs and coated their chests.

Hearts pounded begging to rip through the chests from the aching horrid rush.

Suddenly when the elevator reached the designated floor, it came to a rapid stop, causing the two to fling into the air slightly while still clutching onto each other. From the land it resulted in slight angry burning bruises on the legs and knees.

The metallic doors twitched open with a struggle and a screech.

The two open their eyes groaning in scorned twitching agony from impact.

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