Chapter 32

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Hogarth woke up in the morning to find Deidre was already out of bed. Rover was still sleeping.
"What a early riser she is", he mumbled to himself smiling. He slid out of bed, which woke up Rover and Pipsqueak. After giving them each a good belly rub, Hogarth got dressed and headed down stairs.

Downstairs he found Deidre in her cleaning/ painting attire, cooking breakfast in the kitchen. She turned around to smile brightly at him.
"Morning, sleepy head! Never expect you'd be up early this morning."
"Whatcha making?" He headed into the kitchen towards Deidre. Rover followed and started to jump on her.
"Hey! Down! Not when I'm cooking! Look what you're doing, Hogarth. You're bringing chaos into the kitchen already."

"Hey don't blame me! Blame Rover. I can't help that he likes to follow me around."
"That's because the both of you are like twins; you easily get into trouble."
Hogarth faked a gasp and put a hand to his mouth.
"Oh! I'm so offended! You know how to give a sassy punch verbally."
"Sure", she said with an eye roll.
"You better hurry up making breakfast cause I'm getting hungry."
"You can wait a bit longer. Saying that isn't going to make me go faster. Heck, I'll take forever if you try to hurry me up."
"You always take forever on everything, slow as a turtle."

She playfully lifted a pan over her head to act like she was going to hit him with it and tried to muster a fierce glare.
"Boy! You better get your sassy self out this kitchen before I wack you with this pan! I'm not afraid to."
"Go on. Do it! I dare you."

She briskly rushed towards him and pretend to swing the pan at his head. Hogarth dodged it and got hold of the pan. The kids were then playing tug of war with the pan in the kitchen. Rover jumped on them, trying to join them in on the fun. In the tussle, Deidre knocked over a bottle of oil, also the bowl of pancake batter. It was then she suddenly slip and felled, hitting the floor with a gasp.

On top of that, a bowl tipped over and spilled batter all over her. Rover rushed over to lick up the batter all over face and on the floor.
Deidre yelled,
"GOD DANGIT! Now I have bigger mess to clean up in the kitchen plus the house!"
Hogarth stood there, quiet for a moment before smothering a giggle, which then  turned into hysterical laughing.
Deidre wiped a glob of batter from her forehead and shot a glare at him, pushing Rover off of him.
"Ha! Ha! HA! Very funny! Don't laugh like you're innocent! It's your fault I got into this mess!"
Hogarth laughed even harder. Deidre had it and tripped Hogarth, making him fall to the floor. He fell on top of Deidre with a "oomph!"

"You're gonna get a face full of pancake batter, Buster! Come here!" Deidre scooped a handful of batter and smeared it onto his face. Hogarth screamed and try to push her away, laughing hard.
"Yeah! Rubbing  it in nice and thorough. Look like you're having breakfast already!"
"Eat this, then!"
Hogarth flung batter onto Deidre's face. They threw batter at each other until Deidre said,
"Alright'a that's enough! I have to clean myself up, this kitchen, and finish Breakfast."
Rover got the message and happily lick up all the batter that was splatter everywhere.

"Well, looks like you don't have to clean up the batter then", Hogarth said, giggling.
"True, I guess. I'll clean up the spilled oil. Looks like I'll have to remake the batter then."
"Why don't you let me help you cook breakfast? You could teach me."
"Hmmm. Let me think about that." Deidre put a finger to her mouth pretending to think, then said,
"Sure, Hogarth. But promise me you won't make any more chaos in here. I don't want to be cleaning any more messes all day."
"Got it."

After cleaning up the kitchen and themselves, they got to cooking breakfast. Deidre instructed Hogarth in how to measure the amount of ingredients and insisted him, especially when cracking the eggs to make sure he didn't put any eggs shells in there. She even showed him how to flip the pancake on the pan. He tried and was successful the first time but the second time the pancake landed on his head, making Deidre laughed.  They cooked the bacon , which Rover and Pipsqueak waited outside for any scrapes, so Hogarth gave them a slice. They walked off satisfied.

Soon, they were done with breakfast and the kids went to get Mr. Franklin. Deidre knocked on her father's door.
"Dad, breakfast's ready! Hogarth helped me make it, Come out and eat!"
Mr. Franklin opened the door. He was wearing his robe and looked slightly tired, but smiled at his daughter and her friend.
"Smells good. I'm coming right out, I'll go say good morning to Giant, too and give him his breakfast. Saw the big guys greet me good morning at my window."

They walked down to the kitchen. Mr. Franklin went outside with a piece of metal to give to Giant. After saying good morning to Giant, Hogarth and Deidre went to set the table and plate the food. When Mr. Franklin came back in, they settled at the table, Rover and Pipsqueak sat near the table, hoping for more scrapes. After saying grace, they begun to eat.  As they were eating and chatting, someone knocked at the door.

"I'll get it."
Deidre got up to answer the door, but Hogarth said,
"No, you stay at the table. I'll go and answer it."
"Gentleman", Deidre smirked.

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