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╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ACT ONEˊˎ-

╰┈ ➤ ❝ [𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 003] ❞                  


୨⎯ "That was hot," ⎯୧

୨⎯ "That was hot," ⎯୧

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Madylin navigated her way through the bustling Glade, following the inviting scent of dinner wafting from Fry's kitchen. As she passed by groups of boys grabbing their meals, Madylin noticed subtle nods and gestures directed towards her from Gally, Nick, and Alby. She furrowed her eyebrows, wondering what they were discussing.

Lost in her thoughts, Madylin didn't realize she was next in line until Frypan caught her attention with a teasing grin. "It's not lady-like to stare, Peach" he chided, using a nickname he had thought of for her.

She retorted with a playful wrinkle of her nose, "And you're an expert on ladies?" Frypan shrugged.

From the little time Madylin had been in the Glade, she had realised, Frypan always had a way of lightening the mood with his jokes and teasing. Madylin smiled and shook her head, focusing on the task at hand - getting dinner. Frypan handed her a plate of food, Madylin couldn't help but keep an eye on Gally and his friends who were now turned away and deep in conversation. "I wonder what they're talking about," she mumbled to herself.

Frypan followed her gaze to the trio, then back at her. "No clue," he admitted, "just eat your dinner."

After thanking Frypan, the ginger girl made her way to sit with Newt and Minho, two of the few boys she had become close to since arriving in the Glade. They were both kind and welcoming, and Madylin felt comfortable around them.

Newt raised an eyebrow in amusement as she sat down. "Are you mad?" he asked teasingly. Confused, Madylin tilted her head in question.

"Word around here is that you snapped at Gally," Minho added with a smirk.

"And that's bad...how?" she replied, the dryness in her voice underscored by her amusement.

"Not bad, just rare to see a newbie stand up to him like that." Newt chuckles as he thinks of past Gladers klunking themselves to Gally's intimidating persona.

The girl glimpsed Gally's way, a smirk playing on her lips before she faced the boys again. "He deserved it for being an ass." she shrugged nonchalantly, trying to hide her pride.

All three snickered. "No one's arguing with you there," Newt agreed.

"But you haven't been here long enough to understand," Minho pointed out. Madylin narrowed her eyes at his condescending tone.

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