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Things haven't changed... much.

I mean, every monster was a bit surprised, confused and maybe a tiny bit angry, when Asgore announce his step down on being king, and that his ex-wife, Toriel, will be steeping up as queen.

But there wasn't much they could do, and well, it's not like any of them hated Toriel. Plus, Asgore himself said it would be for the best.

So she got accepted.

And of course, like in those neutral endings, she changed a couple of things, mainly the education system. 

She disbanded the royal guard.

and well... right now she's telling us about her new policy regarding humans.

We were in... kind of a council meting? I mean, Undyne, Alphys, Papyrus, Sans and Flowey are here. Me too of course.

She was pitching us the idea.

"And I believe, it would be better for every party involved, to regard humans, not as enemies but as friends. So that's why, I want to change the 'kill all humans in sight' and instead opt for welcoming all humans as one of our own."

Yeah, she kinda gave this inspiring speech about it and all. I mean... I'm all up for not killing humans on sight, not only because I am one (or rather was), but because well, it is kind of speciest (Racist?) to just kill humans because they're humans. 

Said that...

"That's kind of dumb..." I said to myself, and why? you're probably asking, well, things is, humans are still very dangerous. Especially in this instance. Because they have the power of Reset, they can easily just kill every monster here no problem. Two, I'm sure Toriel should be more especific about what she means 'welcoming all humans as friends', because humans could and would take advantage of that. 

I can't think of a scenario of that but I'm pretty sure they will.

What about a human who wants to hurt everyone here? They're various reasons for them wanting to do that. Hurting humans is still hurting someone they might want to deliver 'justice'.

 With this policy, how would we take care of that? 

Would we just put them in jail? Does jail exist here in the undergroung?

I'm sure Toriel would never put them in death row. Especially if they're a kid.

In case of murder out of self defence, what kind of trial would that monster face?

Would they go to jail, or would they do something else...?

Maybe I could ask Toriel...

"Now Hope, don't think I didn't hear what you said, why do you think my new policy is dumb?"

Holy shit, how did she heard me? Pretty sure I was mumbiling... Right? 

Or maybe I wasn't. Oh dear, what can I say?

Oh shit, now everyone is looking at me. Why are they staring? 

Please don't.

"Hope, why do you think my new policy is dumb."

OH dear, don't panic, it's fine. It's fine, it's ok. Don't concentrate on the heavy feeling on my chest. What heavy thing? there's not such thing.

Oh my fucking god say something!

"O-oh... well... I just... it's just..." I stare at the floor, umm yeah, what a nice floor we have in here. "I just... what if the human hurts other monsters?" Ok yeah, that's a good place to start. "I mean, we don't have a guard to protect us, and with... this policy I'm just... worried."

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