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*Today is the day of the funerals.

Yeah... hey, I'm the one who's suppose to narrate here.

*Well, narrating is something I like doing.

*Is the only thing I can do... 


Well, I know.

How about this? I narrate most of things, and you can narrate if I missed to mention something and add aditional comentary. Sounds good?

*Mmm... I suppose. I guess this story will have two narrators now.



Back on track.

Toriel held funerals for the monsters were affected in the uh...well, you know. The mass murderer that was Frisk, their body has been put in a coffin. 

Do you think they used yours? Or did they made a new one? 

*I believe that Toriel made a new one for them. I don't think she would want to disturb my coffin more than she already did.

Oh yeah. Cuz your body is now in the Ruins.

I was invited to attend said funerals. The monsters wanted to thank me. 

... For delivering justice to their loved ones.

I decided I could go. Maybe allow the affected monsters some form of closure.

Luckily I wasn't going alone there.


"Ready as can be. Let's go."

I nod at Sans, who was also going with us.

Interesting fact.

Monsters don't dress in black to atend funerals.

So we go to the Ruins, which is where the funerals are happening.

And well, in there, we can see the objects that are covered in monster dust. I can't hep but remember of the fact that the dust really holds their essence.

The monsters thank me for attending and for well, killing the one responsible for this.

The monsters share stories about the people who are gone. 

And after that, we go back home.

"Gotta say, monsters have lovely funerals."


"Oh well, since we have whole bodies on our hands, we put them in cofins, which we then bury six feet underground. But! If the person desires they can burn they bodies and turn it into ashes, which they or their families can decide what to do with them. Put them on stuff or put it in a place they love."

"very monstery of them."

"I guess... yeah."


"I mean, yeah. I mean, not like they can stand up and move. Eventually in a couple of years, don't know how many, they start decomposing and then the skeletons is left. Which it also decomposes, and it turns to dust. But it's a long process."


"I guess. Gotta tell you, that process smells and is gross."

"speaking from experience?"

"Nah, I only went to a funeral once, my grandma's one. I was 7 I think."


"Oh nah, I mean she was nice and all, but when I saw her, dead on her coffin, nothing. I didn't cry or anything. I thought it was a delayed reaction, but years later and still nothing. So it's fine." 


Yeah, I suppose there's nothing you could say to knowing that.

But the other thing that's important today.

I noticed that well, Flowey might need an explanation for what happened to their powers of going back in time.

So I went searching for him. 

And I found him, on a section in Waterfall.

"Hey, Flowey! I've been searching for you."

"Uh... Hi. Why?"

"Well, thing is. I heard that you lost something." I notice how he immediantly looks like he was caught stealing the cookie jar.

*We did try to do that once, unsucessfully.

"W-what do you mean? I haven't lost anything."

"Nah, don't worry my dear friend. Your secret is safe with me, I won't tell any other monster."

"... I still don't understand what are you talking about exactly."

"....... I know you could reset."


"How? Welll uh... a little bird told me."

"...You mean, that the SOUL you absorved told you?"

I forgot that Flowey has experience on this absorving SOULs thing.


*Lies. I didn't tell you anything.

*Somehow you already knew, and you haven't told me how yet.


"...So that human had the power too."

"I mean yeah, how you didn't notice it was gone after a couple of hours, I have no idea."

"It's not like I use it anymore! There's no need I guess. Everything is fine here, and now the only thing left is.. do what we planed to do years ago."

He whispers that last part, but thanks to my great hearing I still heard him.

"Yeah. I absorb the other six SOULs and break the barrier and boom, freedom. Just like that."

"You don't sound very excited about it."

"The soul I have is enough. I like my privacy, you know? It will be like... living with seven kids, which they are! I don't want that, and I don't want to live with that kind of power."

*Hey! I have barely even said anything.

I know, but who knows if the others will be just as quiet.

"I guess you're right on that. But it's not like there's any other way."

"I MEAN, there is but..."

"Wait what? How there can be another way?"

"It's just a uh... a theory but, if you, hypothetically, absorb the six human souls you could maybe absorb the monsters souls as well, since you're not human or monster."

"WHAT? You really think I could do that?"

"Yeah, I mean, you aren't a monster and you aren't human, you're the only other who could do this."

"But the monsters are expecting you to do this, they are already talking about you like you're their savior."

"They don't have to know... Look, it's hypothetical, so you can forget about it." It was fun entertaining the idea for a bit. "You're right. I got myself in this mess and now... I gotta face the consequences." 

The monsters deserve their freedom after all.

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