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CORALINE JONES woke up as she yawns softly a little bit, she rubbed her eyes as she sniffles softly, rubbing her nose as she threw the blankets off her body. She shuffled out the bed, as she walked by the doll that was turned towards the wall, scratching her stomach as she went to the bathroom.

As she did her business, she took a shower as she let the warm and hot water hit her body making her more sleepy as a creak came up and then a loud pop came, cold water soon hitting her body, as her eyes shot open. She quickly backed away, shivering as she immediately finished her shower, grabbing a towel as she wrapped herself up in it.

She stepped out, feeling the brown fur-rug on her feet as she walked out the bathroom. The smell of bacon and eggs hit her nose as well as the news coming from the living room downstairs.

Coraline hummed softly as she walked into her bedroom, doing her little routine as she slipped on some clothes. A   royal solid blue spaghetti strapped crop top/tank top, with some black comfortable and causal high waisted sweat shorts, black and blue plaid flannel shirt with the two buttons, buttoned as it rolled off her shoulders, with some black slides.

" I give you lots of kisses.. I give you lots of hugs.. " She sings softly to herself as she dries her hair off, shaking it as she fixed her bangs. Coraline still rocked the blue hair, but decided to get a wolf cut last year, and ever since then.. she haven't turned back.

She put on some lip gloss and perfume before hearing small little scratches on tje window pane, her smile growing bigger as she walked towards it, opening the window for the cat.

" Hey there.. " She says softly, as she scratches under his chin, the purrs getting louder, as the cat rubbed it's head against her hand. " C'mon, foods downstairs. " She says as the cat began to jump and hop down to the floor.

As the two of them walked downstairs, her mom and dad, Mel and Charlie Jones was both talking as food was on the table, the cat going to his bowl filled with water and food as she plopped down, " Good morning, mom and dad. " She smiles warmly at the two, " Good Morning dizzy dreamer. " Charlie says giving her a smile back, as Mel kisses her daughters forehead. " Morning sweetie, go on ahead and eat your breakfast before you go out there. " She stated as Coraline nodded her head.

Soon, when she was done both her and the cat walked outside, she saw Miriam looking around with a somber look on her face. " Good morning, Miss Forcible.. is everything okay? " She asked noticing the way Miriam was in distress. " Good morning, Coraline.. and no it's.. it's not good. April went missing. There's no trace of her anywhere, and I'm worried about her. " She admitted, as tears formed her eyes.

" I called the police, and they are doing an investigation, they are searching the premises and town to see if she's anywhere around here. Hopefully they find her and she's okay. " She stated, gripping her robes tightly.

" M-Miss Spink is.. gone? " Coraline stutters out in surprise, as she was in shock, concern and most of all worried.

" Yes.. the only thing that was in the living room, was the sweater that she was knitting for you. " She says sniffling softly. " There wasn't any trace of where she could have gone.. She just disappeared like the mist in the sky. " Miriam said, sitting on her rocking chair as she looked up at the misty grey sky.

" There wasn't any noise.. the dogs wasn't barking or anything? " Coraline asked, " I woke up, because I felt a dark presence.. and I had a nightmare.. but I think that's when she left. Everything looked so normal until I couldn't find her. " She exclaimed.

Coraline looked before she perches her lips. " Don't worry, Miss Forcible. I'll find her. I know that if they won't do it.. I will most definitely do it for you. " She says determined. Miriam gave her a watery and weary smile, " You was always a little adventurer. Thank you Coraline. " She whispered softly to her, before Coraline gave her a soft but tight hug.

Soon, Coraline left hesitantly before she made her way down to the well, hearing a motorcycle in the distance as she and the cat turned around seeing Wybie stop and park his cycle near the well.

Wybie Lovat.. one of Coraline favorite people that was around her age, her best friend. Since then both her and Wybie have been inseparable. Both of them went to middle school and now in high school.

He was wearing a black band t-shirt, Nirvana plastered on the shirt as he wore some grey sweatpants and black high top converses, his hair soft and curly, it was upper shoulder length and messy. As years passed he's been doing different hairstyles and this was his favorite now so far.

He smiles, taking his helmet off as he saw Coraline, he set it on the handle as he walked towards her, hugging her waist as he hugged her. Coraline smiles hugging back, as she took a deep breath. " What's wrong? " He asked her, as he titled her chin up, " Um.. Miss Spink.. she's missing. There's no trace of her anywhere and Miss Forcible is worried about her. " She says softly as Wybie smile disappeared, since his grandma let him go over there now more often, he have gotten close with the residents there especially Mr. Bobinsky.

" Really? I didn't.. how would that happen wouldn't one of the Scotty's.. " " Yeah, I don't.. I don't know, but I know that I'm going to find her. No matter what. " She stated firmly. " Well, I'm right behind you, along with the cat. " He chuckles softly as he picked him up, the cat purred, but rolled his eyes shaking his head.

The cat knows, everyone knows that both Coraline and Wybie was slightly crushing on each other, but they always use friends as an excuse, both scared to say something. Even in school, they are inseparable and close with one another, that the friends they do have, ask them plently of times if they was together.. in which they said no.

" So, what's the plan? " He asked.

" 1817 " She says as the two looked at each other, one in confusion.. the other with determination.

𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄: 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑫𝒐𝒐𝒓Where stories live. Discover now