17 3 2

WYBIE LOOKED IN CONFUSION, " 1817? What does that mean? " He asked curiously. " So, Miss Spink and Miss Forcible taught me how to use the taffy bowl to make things.. and I know how to make stones in it.. they always told me to wait for 1817 though. " Coraline explained.

" Oh.. Okay, you really love them don't you? " He asked her, " With all my heart.. the residents are like family to me.. and if I ever lose them now, I don't know what I'll do. " She admitted as they walked into the Pink Palace, towards Coraline room.

But, through the little eyes of the doll.. it began to spark, almost alive like, as the hair began to smell and feel like Coraline's hair. The little door began to glow a bright purple, as the well began to drop water.. the Beldam was back, and she wanted Coraline more than ever.

She wanted to.. apologize for her behavior. She wanted to Coraline to be her special daughter again..

Coraline soon walked towards her desk, as Wybie fell and laid down on the bed. The cat jumping through the window and to the bed purring as he laid next to Wybie.

" So, Miss Spink and Miss Forcible always told me that.. I have to be careful. " She says as she grabbed two chopsticks, and a bowl of old candy that was labeled as 1817. " It has history and it can help you in time of need. " She exclaimed before she sits the bowl down.

" That's why you have to be.. careful. " Coraline says before her arms and hands went up, she began to make some noises as she stabs the candy, making both Wybie and the cat sit up in shock. Wybie say up, before walked towards the desk, looking down, the cat jumping to the floor and hopped up towards the desk as Coraline blew softly on it.

And there was a black and emerald stone, with a hole in the middle. It was shiny and string, filled with so much power.

" There " She smiles as she cleaned her mess. " This might help us find her. " She stated as she put her eye in the stone. And there she can feel it's energy.. but she saw different energy.. the cat, Wybie.. as she walked around, she saw the color of the residents energy through the walls.. she flinches though seeing a blue and black aura come from the doll, as her eyes was wide.

" Wybie.. " She says as she backed away a little bit. " W.. what's wrong Coraline? " He stutters a little bit. " There's.. there's.. nothing. " She says thinking she was just imagining it.

" It's nothing.. " She whispered, as she looked down. " The last time I talked to Miss Spink.. she kept saying that the mist.. it was making her confused and that she always gets lost. The only way she finds herself back home was of one of her Scotty dogs help her. But, Miss Forcible, would say that Miss Spink will always stay up at night, talking to someone. " She explained.

" She'll say things like Coraline will be okay, she doesn't need you anymore. From.. you're evil, you aren't here to help her, you're here to take her. "

" But, she never said who.. Miss Spink will always say that she was looking at the television, but she would keep looking towards the wall, and forget what happens until.. the night falls. "

Coraline tries to explain to Wybie. " Damn.. that's harsh.. there's no other explanation, this might be something that other people outside of the palace can do to help. " He says thinking about it.

Coraline nodded her head at the statement, before the two looked at each other, then at the cat.

Miss Spink suddenly was woken up by banging. She was startled as she gasped softly to herself, looking around as she was just surrounded by mist. It was cold.. dull.. and lonely. She turned her head around, as she saw Miss Forcible in front of her before she suddenly forced herself up, " Miriam, honey.. I " She says as she suddenly felt a force push her back.

She stumbles back as she noticed that she was behind a mirror, her heart dropping a little as she began to bang on it. Miriam looked up, as she looked into the mirror, suddenly wiping her eyes as she sniffles softly. " Where could you have gone April? " Miriam whispered to herself.

April began to call our Miriam's name, as she sniffles, tears filling her eyes. " Miriam, Miriam it's me.. I'm here! " She calls out, but as she saw her.. she knew that she couldn't hear as Miriam stood up straight, wiping her tears as she walked away from the mirror.

As she did, the mist began to cloud up.. as the vision of the outside world was shut off from April.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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