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December 15, 2021| Few Weeks Later| The Big Day

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December 15, 2021| Few Weeks Later| The Big Day

Aura stared at the skyline in the distance. She had been sitting here for the past hour watching the sunrise not even caring that it was fairly cold and misty out. Her nerves wouldn't let her sleep. She tossed and turned throughout the night and finally got out of the bed finding something that would satisfy her. This was it, this very silent moment, meant the most to her right now.

Sitting in her own thoughts she reflected back on the first day she had met Ja. Her smile slowly appeared and disappeared with each moment. She found herself whispering "Thank you God, for sending me this man." Aura brought both of her hands to her stomach a few inches under her belly button. "Are you ready?" she thought she was asking her baby the question instead of asking herself.

"Ma? Who are you talking to?" Jy'Rah said from the sliding doors, that led to the back patio. Aura was so deep in her own moment she didn't hear her open the door.

"To myself" Aura laughed at how crazy she might've sounded when she said that. "What are you doing up?" She looked over at Jy'Rah who was now sitting next to her.

"I should be the one asking you that. You should be getting as much sleep as anyone else, the day is finally here! I'm so excited for yall" Jy'Rah asked.

"For Us" Aura corrected her. "This is a happy moment for all of us, including you." This was Aura's true feeling. She loved having her little family together but now she felt even better knowing that they would all officially be bonded together.

Aura softly shrugged "I can't sleep. I think I'm way too excited and nervous at the same time" the both of them looked back at the sliding doors once it opened again. Sonya stood there with her hand on her hip. "Yall need to come in this house, it's cold out here. That's the last thing we need is you being sick on your big day" she smiled and moved over to give them enough room to come in.

|Later that Evening|

"What's wrong now?" Yuri placed her hand on Aura's back to console her. Aura's tears had been ongoing for the last few minutes, which worried all of the girls. Aura wasn't even sad, she was just full of too many emotions and her hormones were boosting the effect.

"I'm just- I'm just so shocked and happy yall" Aura reached for the tissue that Niya was handing to her. "Thanks" She mumbled before wiping underneath her eyes. This was the last time for the entire day that she planned to cry, especially since she was about to get her makeup done.

As everyone continued to move around the room and prepare for the ceremony. Aura was able to calm down and get herself together with the help of her sister. "Okay I'm ready" she gave her a reassuring smile while using the back of her hand to wipe her face.

The makeup artist was so patient with her this morning and Aura was grateful for it. She was grateful for everyone that helped make this moment special for her.

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