Chapter 3

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I sat on my bed, my mind wondering back to that mysterios man that i have not only bumped into but has saved me from those horible men thata were trying to take me

away. I couldent help but sigh as i was called down for dinner, i really dident want to eat tonight, not after what has happened to me today. But i reluctently got out

of bed. Gosh! What i do for my mother!

 I cloped down the stairs, not really caring of how much noise i was making.

As i reached the bottom of the stairs i sighed again and headed into the kitchen. When i did i saw the disaproving look on her face of how loud i was being.

She nodded

her heads twords the table and there siiting in a blue polo shirt, casual jeans, and very black shoes, sat my mothers boyfreind. He was a very boring, even his name is

boring. This mans name was Bob.

I quickly straitened my back, brought my head up, and put on a very pleasing smile. Both my mother and um Bob gave me approving looks. 'Like i need an aproving loook from.

.........BOB.' i snickered to myself quietly.

 Honestly i could care less about Bob, he wasent in a serious relationship with my mom,infact, im sorry to say that he was

a rebound.My dad dies in a car crash a couple months ago and my mother has been depresed ever since then. I fakely smiled at Bob, trying to get my mom as happy as

possible today.

It has of seemed to work because not only was she happy today, she dident look to the ground in saddness at all. And actually, she ignored Bob today, and he was getting

very annoyed. I am sensing that he might give up on trying to win my mom. I mean seriously, it dosent take a rocket sceientist to tell that my mom and Bob, they dont

have chemistry.

Right now we are at the fair and i am so exsited. I havent been to the fair since my dad dies. He would bring me every evening, and then just before we leave, we would

look up at the stars and find the many constilations that seemed to glow very brightly as me and my dad look up. Now if i even look at the constilations, it would seem

as if they were burning out, they moment my dad died, the brihtness died as well.

When i looked up, i couldent miss the conserned look that was etched onto my mothers face. I gave her a quick smile, showing that i was indeed alright.

As soon as i

did this my mothers face brightened as well. I started jumping up and down exsidetly, not caring that Bob was giving me an disaproving glare. I dident care though, hes

not my father and nor will he ever be. I glared right back at him, he looked surprised and reached to tap my mothers shoulder. Before he can even touch a sigle strand

of my mothers hair, i pulled her away. With my hand locked around her wrist i pushed myself threw people who were being plain inconsiderate.

As i reached my destination, i turned to heer with a big smile.

 She looked at me confused then looked up and smiled again. The reason for her smile, you might ask, is

that right infront of us was a fariss wheel. This was not only my favorite ride but my moms as well. We both waited in line, getting a little ancious to get onto the ride.

We were finally at the front of the line, just as a bucket reached right in front of us mom was pulled out of the line by no other then Bob.

I looked at my mom with worry, she then split from Bob and walked over to me and the man that waswaiting pashently for us to get in. She walked over to the man and looked

upset for a second, not till the man called for single riders did i understand. My mom then turned to face Bob snd started arguing with him. I walked into the cart and

waited for the other passanger to enter. I smiled as they did, it was the man i have bumped into and saved my life.

The ferris wheel man then close the door and the little cart that we were in started to go up. As we got to the top i couldent help but smile as i remember all the great

times i had with my dad. I then felt someones gave on my face,i then knew why. There on my cheek that was facing the mysterious man, was a single, glistening, tear.It

rooled down my cheek and fell to the floor of the cart with a plop.

I looked back outside the cart at the sunset but not without giving the man a small smile.

As we neared the floor, i heard a comotion. I looked out the window just in time

for Bob, the man i despised, raise his hand to hit her. But instead of hitting her, he instead stomped away angerly. If that mad wound have hit my mom, i wouldent know

if i would go to juby or to jail.

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