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I built a prison for myself
It's made from my own fears
Insecurities and ghosts
I started it with some clumps
of blind obedience
and strengthened it with
a bunch of stupidities
coupled with a lot of
emotional conflicts
But fear comprised most of its
structure, it is the glue
That binds it all.

I never knew it'll be a prison
In fact, I was thinking
About my own liberty,
Stability and maybe comfort?
While I was building this,
Yes those were in my thoughts.
But slowly, through the years
I realized it was some
Sort of a web, a trap
for myself, a sticky one
I can't get out of
It is suffocating
It is confining
It is gripping
It consumes me
It deflates me
It drains me.

And I can't move.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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