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I watched silently,
as the dying embers of
my dreams fade away.

My lips tremble so,
my heart heavy as a rock.
I tried hard to grasp

what remained, but no,
the "choice" is not for me
I had to losen

the strap, let it go
be free, flee away from me
and so I watched, as

the debris came down,
falling like rain from my eyes
and I wonder how

they reflected such
bright and glimmering lights from
those, my dreams' embers

in the sky, your eyes
brought the shadows of my dreams
dancing wild, but dead,

they are dead inside.
no more of those illusions
don't speak about them

I'll cover my eyes
and be burned, in this fragment
of my world, unknown

isolated, away from you,
alone i will be

but i never felt
so unbelievably free,
fulfilled, verily.


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