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he feeds you with lies
you gladly swallow it
he controls your life
you surrendered your wit

everyone just thought
you were really stupid
you seem not to mind
all of his evil deeds

unknown to many
you have your own reasons
putting up with him
only for a season

because spring will come
when you'll have your day
a perfect timing
is what you need, you say

and so you sat there
so timid and fragile,
he'll never suspect
your calm, deceptive smile

he's untrue indeed,
unfaithful, arrogant
not who you should need,
but he is who you want

now, you let them all
poison you to the core
your hate, jealousy,
anger, dark thoughts and more

once there was kindness
now cruelty's in place
evil seeped through you
'til you're the untrue


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