t h i r t y - f i v e

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Su Ji lifted his head up when he saw In Seong arriving back to the camper. After what happened between him and Hyun Soo, In Seong decided he wanted a few hours to himself. He told Eun Yoo to go on ahead and that he'd meet them back at the camper once his head was clear. At first, Eun Yoo refused, but In Seong insisted. Eun Yoo backed down once she saw In Seong's face, allowing him to return when he felt ready.

Eun Yoo did fill Su Ji in on what happened after they dealt with what Ha Ni did to Chan Young. Thankfully, Chan Young made a full recovery from his accidental poisoning from the mushrooms that Ha Ni fed him. Su Ji was worried about his friends, especially In Seong.

In Seong had a bloody knife in his hand. The sword had fallen into the hole with no chance of getting it back. In Seong had some blood splattered across his face as he walked towards the firepit.

In Seong grabbed a random piece of fabric that was on the back of the chair. He wiped his face as he spoke, "Took care of three monsters that tried to get in." In Seong commented as he sat down on the ground. He looked down at the knife, not making eye contact with the survivor or his friends. "You can thank me later."

"It's your fault they're coming here, you bastard."

"And I took care of them." In Seong said as he held up the knife. He lowered it to clean off the blood that coated the blade.

The survivor rolled his eyes as Eun Yoo paced around.

Su Ji leaned on his arms to ask In Seong a question. "Don't fucking ask if I'm okay," Su Ji drew back, keeping his mouth shut.

As In Seong was finished cleaning the knife and himself off, Chan Young made his way out of the camper with Ha Ni. In Seong glanced over at the soldier, rolling his eyes at Ha Ni's attachment issues. They took a seat by the firepit with Ha Ni hanging onto Chan Young.

Su Ji leaned down to whisper in In Seong's ear, "She accidentally poisoned him earlier." In Seong's head whirled to Su Ji. He nodded. "Mushrooms."

"If it's not rocks or marbles, what the fuck's in her head?" In Seong whispered. Su Ji shrugged – he was just happy Ha Ni picked Chan Young over him.

"So," Eun Yoo began. "Which is it?" She took a seat by the fire. "A brother? A boss? A appa? What are you to each other?" She asked.

"Why the hell does it matter?" The survivor asked. "You just eat and get lost."

Chan Young tried to pull himself away from Ha Ni but failed miserably. "Um, why don't you come back with us? You'll be safer there." Chan Young said.

"Are we getting married then?" Ha Ni asked.

"Sounds like Ye Seul." In Seong muttered, tossing the rag into the fire.

"Um, that's-that's not what I'm saying." Chan Young told her, but Ha Ni just grinned, resting her head against his shoulder.

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