Special Agent (Y/N)

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You're sitting in quietly at a staff meeting at the office, boring and uneventful you catch yourself rolling your eyes and staring off into space. You hated these seminars, it was the same materials over and over. You were working on an important case and couldn't get it off your mind and watched the clock for what seemed like hours. Finally Erickson wrapped up what he was saying and the room sighed and cheered in relief. Everyone begins to stand up, just as you make a break for the door Erickson approaches you.

"Y/N!" He calls with a smile, I have an assignment for you." He pulls out a folder and hands it to you. "You'll be working alongside Special Agent Perez, I've pulled you both off the cases you were working on to get this one done."

"What is this Erickson?" You snickered opening the envelope. "Really Erickson?" You rolled your eyes and turned away heading towards the offices so you could meet up with Agent Perez.

You head over to a group of Agents talking by the water cooler, one of them being Perez. She smiles as she sees you approach. She stepped forward and held out her hand to introduce herself.

"We haven't formally met, I'm special Agent Lindsay Perez, this is my partner Peter Strahm" you shake her hand and look over at Peter but he couldn't be bothered. You raised an eyebrow as he turned around back to our colleagues without even acknowledging you.

"Nice to officially meet you, I'm special agent (Y/N). Now I assume Erickson had given you case details?" You smile, crossing your arms.

"Yes, quite mediocre if you ask me" she laughed "I guess we can get started in one of the conference rooms. I'm slightly insulted he tasked us with something that doesn't require an outing."

"Yeah, for some of his top agents." You Scoff " Not like we were working on anything important" the two of you laughed and headed over to the conference room.

You felt eyes following you, as you walked away you slightly looked back, it was agent Strahm looking you up and down and quickly looking away when you made eye contact. You raised an eyebrow and turned back to follow Perez. The two of you sat down in the conference room, cracking jokes while working. You both seemed to have a lot in common and made the best of the situation. After a few hours the two of you were finally done with Erickson's task list, you look up at the clock, 5pm quitting time.

"Why don't you join us for drinks?" She smiled

"Oh I couldn't, the office seems close knit with me on the sidelines" you laugh awkwardly.

"Well let this be a chance to break the ice. The bar is around the corner I hope to see you there." She walked away smiling.

You cracked a slight grin and you continued to pack up your things, you headed back to your desk noticing a few of the agents laughing and having light banter as they left for the day. Your bag is packed and you head out, you're still undecided. You head out to your car and throw your bag in the passenger seat, driving off and slowly passing the bar. You see them enter having smiles and laughs, you say fuck it and pull in to the parking lot. You take a deep breath and sigh before you head in, once you're in you look around and see Perez smiling and motioning you to come over.

"You made it, we're just getting started." She pulled out a chair for you, the other agents were welcoming. Well all of them but Strahm. He didn't say much of anything to anyone, he was keeping everyone in line it seemed like. He stood by observing and making little comments here and there but not enough to build on. He rolled his eyes once one of the agents brought over a round of shots. You hesitantly agree and down a round with your co-workers, tonight you are getting to know them. The drinks kept pouring and the shots were flowing, you didn't eat much today and felt a little dizzy, you tapped out early and walked away from the group to catch some air outside and try and sober up before driving. You step out and collect yourself, you glance over and see Strahm standing near the door visibly annoyed, looking at his watch.

"Waiting on somebody?" You walk over and smile. He scoffs

"No just waiting until I get to go home. But you can't trust these people to be smart so here I am waiting to be the bus driver" he snickered, visibly annoyed.

"Sounds tough, but not a single drink?" You smiled trying to get a response

"I don't drink, I mainly come just to keep everything in order." He looks at his watch again. "What about you? I don't see you at these things."

"Oh well Perez invited me, I suppose there's a first time for everything." You smile, he cracks a laugh.

"I guess so." He looks over at you, his big beautiful blue eyes send a chill down your spine. "I guess we should be getting back inside." He walked passed you, holding the door open for you.

"I guess so." You smiled and headed in, he followed you back to the table but remained silent and observing the group. You cut your drinking for the night, Strahm takes a notice.

The rest of the night consisted of laughter and friendly banter, work didn't come up and it was quite personable. Strahm made little comments to you here and there, saying it's nice to finally have someone around who doesn't go overboard and is actually coherent for a conversation. He was still standoffish and you somewhat kept your distance until the night ended at last call and the group stumbled out into the parking lot. Everyone packed into Strahm's car and he looked over at you before getting in.

"Hey!" He shouts from his car door "there's a seat left if you're not feeling up to it." He snarked

"I'm ok!" You smiled "thanks, I'll see you guys back at the office." He nodded and drove off.

Something about him made you curious, he was reserved and standoffish but caring and kind. You started to confuse yourself as you tried to analyze him so you shook the thought and headed home. The drive was peaceful and you felt happy putting yourself out there and getting out of your solo headspace. You arrived home and fell right into bed with only a few short hours til the next workday begins.

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