Allison Kerry

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You sat at your desk writing some reports, your head was aching from last night and you were dead tired. You looked around and noticed your co-workers acting the same. You promised yourself going forward never to drink again. Your thoughts were interrupted when Perez approached your desk with Strahm trailing behind her. She hops up and sits on your desk with a smirk.

"What is it?" You smirk in return

"How about an outing, we're meeting with someone pretty important, she's been feeding us the ins and outs of the Jigsaw cases."

"I said we should have stepped in weeks ago but of course no one listens to me" Peter snickered in the background.

"I'll come along" you smiled "I've been so curious." You stood up and followed Perez and Strahm out.

Peter was behind the wheel, staying silent while you and Lindsay cracked jokes and giggled, Peter maintained a stone face, there were some points where he was trying not to smile. We arrived to the meeting spot where Kerry was waiting. The spot was near the park on a bench pretty secluded from the path, we approached her sitting, she stands up and shakes Lindsay's hand before we all sit down on the secluded Bench, everyone hides their badges and avoids looking at eachother. Peter rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.

"Do we really have to do this?" He rolled his eyes, "we meet in the same place every week"

"Ignore him" Lindsay snickered and he threw his arms up, crossing them again with an irritated look plastered across his face. "What do you have for us" she asked.

"Things are definitely heating up, my old partner Eric Matthews. It's been months since he was last seen with John Kramer. He got away" she looked down "several traps have happened since then but none of them were him."

"It's not like Jigsaw to have hostages, let alone for months." Peter snickered "that's it, one more trap and we're stepping in we're not playing this game anymore." He stood up and stormed off back towards the car, he got in and sat down in a puff crossing his arms.

"He must be planning something big" you raised an eyebrow.

"Who knows" Kerry sighed "that's all I have for now." She was interrupted by Peter honking the horn at us

"LETS GO!" he shouted from the car, honking the horn once more.

"Well keep us posted" Lindsay stood up and we walked back towards the car, once we were in and buckled she laid into him. "What is the matter with you? We're trying to have a low profile here, why don't you get off the case if you're this bothered"

"I'm not bothered, I'm annoyed we're wasting our time, the metro police obviously aren't any closer to catching this guy." He rolls his eyes and starts the car, driving off.

Lindsay gives him a look and shakes her head, the car was now sitting in awkward silence. You thought about sparking conversation but didn't want to be the annoying one so you just bide your time until you're back at the station and can get far away from these two. Peter may even be a bigger hot head than you. You chuckle and slightly blush thinking of his outbursts, you accidentally catch his attention; you see his eyes bouncing back towards you in the mirror. You quickly stop and maintain in silence for the rest of the ride. We arrived back to the office and without hesitation Strahm was out and walking back in without a second thought. Lindsay rolls her eyes and you both head back in and go off to your desks. You sit down and begin to wrap up your work for the day so you can go home and rest. You finally have a day off tomorrow after working 20 straight days on your case that finally closed, you anxiously kept looking at the clock but that wasn't making it go any faster. You sigh and get back to work, hoping it flies by.


Just a short few agonizing hours later, it was quitting time and you began packing up your desk, while you're doing so Strahm approaches without his normal serious glare. His expression was softer, and he looked calm rather than consistently angry. You raised an eyebrow then he took a breath and started speaking.

"Listen." He starts "I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier, I'm just so frustrated with this whole jigsaw case." He seemed genuine

"Agent Strahm." He cut you off

"Peter, please. No need to be so formal" he coughed awkwardly.

"Peter.." you blushed slightly. "Don't worry about it, in this job I've done a lot more than have an attitude" you looked up with a smile.

"You?" He laughed "yeah I highly doubt that" he joked and scoffed.

"Just as Erickson." You chuckled putting your bag on and beginning to head out, he followed.

"I wouldn't believe it for a second!" You were both laughing and talking as you made it out to the parking lot. He followed you out to your car as the conversation continued, he blushed and gulped slightly. "So listen, I feel like we never got to properly talk the other night, I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner soon?"

"That sounds nice Peter, I'll take you up on that. I'm sure Perez and the fellas would enjoy another outing" you smiled

"I was thinking maybe it can be just us?" He smiled and awkwardly held his hand on his head.

"That works too" you smiled and sat down in the car. "Here's my number." You quickly scribble it down and hand it to him. He smiles and closes your door for you, waving as you drive off.

You found that interaction a bit random and slightly awkward, but you couldn't help it but to blush and smile as you drove back home. Peter is very handsome and his aggressive nature is incredibly attractive, you feel like he reminds you of someone but you couldn't exactly place your finger on it. You shrug the thought and continue your drive home. When you arrived back to your apartment complex your phone was already buzzing. You blush and head inside, so ready for your day off tomorrow.

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