Game Over

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The warehouse halls were cold and dark, you had your gun held out as you made your way through. You frequently checked behind you and observed your surroundings carefully. As you made your way through you heard what sounded like voices, yelling and slamming. You follow those noises into a work shop looking area, your eyes widened as you saw tools and what looked like prototype jigsaw traps. The voices grew louder as you made your way to an open door covered with film. You burst through to see John Kramer on his deathbed connected to several machines, a woman waving a gun around at another woman with a trap around her neck. You assumed this to be Amanda young.

"Drop your weapon!" You shouted as Amanda grew increasingly more agitated. She walked towards you and you took steps back standing firm.

"Special Agent Y/N, can't say I'm surprised to see you're the first one here for our little game." Kramer mutters from the bed.

You looked away from Amanda for a split second to look at John. Where Amanda struck you in the neck making you drop your weapon, you try and scramble to grab it but she picks it up and kicks you down pointing your gun and you and her gun and the other woman. You hold your hands up carefully standing up and inching over to the other woman. You block Amanda's shot of the woman, she's now shouting and crying, John yelling and the woman crying. She makes a break for it behind you when Amanda shoots her then looks over at you before shooting you. You hit the wall and slid down, leaving a trail of blood on the wall as you hold your stomach to stop the bleeding. You grew woozy as a man charged in holding the woman, he placed her down before shooting Amanda and then bantering with John, He quickly picks up a saw and charges for John as the woman is desperately pleading him to stop. You started to feel lightheaded as John is killed and the woman's device goes off, killing her instantly. The man looked over at you, pointing his gun.

"Where is my daughter!!" He shouted

"Drop your weapon!" A familiar voice rang as the man jerked towards the door and gets shot down. You started coughing up blood as you see your savior walk through the plastic.

"Peter..." you coughed faintly, Peter's scowl turned from anger to fear as he rushed over to you holding down on your wound. When all a sudden the door slams shut and the lights are turned off.

"It's fine , we're gonna be ok." He flustered in a panic to stop the bleeding, he looked up and saw a possible way out. "Give me a second." He kicked open the wall revealing a passage out.

"Peter go without me." You muttered "I can't move.." you winced in pain. He runs back over to you with tears filling his eyes.

"I'm not leaving you." He shouted, trying to hoist you up over his shoulder to assist you walking out.

"Agh" you winced "Peter I can't" you fell back to the floor, he's holding your hand.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean any of what I said I need you to pull through." Tears streaming down his face

"I will, go and get help." Your vision started to fade as he nods and runs off to the passage running passed the tape recorder left for him.

You rested your head back against the wall, still holding tightly on your wound. Everything grew blury and you felt yourself fading in and out of black. Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours. You stayed awake long enough to hear banging on the door followed by it swinging open, Detective Hoffman makes his way through the plastic. The last thing you can remember is him picking you up and carrying you out of the room before it all went black


Monitors beeped and chatter from nurses awoke you from a dead sleep, the sun shining through into your eyes made you jerk up gasping. You looked around and saw you were in the hospital, you grabbed your side in pain and shot back down into the bed. Peter had rushed to your side, his throat bandaged and he was wearing hospital attire.

"Peter?" You groaned "what happened." You asked as he held and kissed your hand.

"It's quite a tale" he coughed with a raspy voice "you're ok and that's all that matters." He looked over to the other bed in the room covered in blood "Lindsay didn't make it though." He sat back down in a chair still holding your hand. He smiled "I'm glad you're okay."

"Hoffman.." you muttered "he-" you were cut off by Special Agent Erickson entering the room, Peter shot up and walked over to him.

"I don't know what the both of you were thinking, going in without backup?" He threw his arms up "you're both off the case and placed on medical leave. You're lucky you didn't get killed."

"On whose orders?" Peter snickered

"Mine." He scoffed and walked out. Peter fell back into his chair.

"Peter it's alright." You sat up holding your side. "Maybe it's best we heal up." He sat there ignoring you, he was deep In thought and angry. "You know if you're going to act like this again I'd like you to leave." You said sternly, he continued to sit there angrily.

You rolled your eyes and laid back down, his tempter was getting in the way of things and definitely brought you down and you couldn't get any lower by this point. The vibe of the room changed once Detective Mark Hoffman entered the room, you jumped up once more however you could feel the sharpness of Peter's glare towards Hoffman. You are thankful for Detective Hoffman, if it weren't for him you thought you would have surely died.

 Falling for Agent Strahm ( Peter Strahm X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now