1st Story - Melindra

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I urged my horse forward confidently, puffing out my chest with pride as I continued driving straight through the enormous mass of... whatever the fuck these things were! Honestly, I wasn't even sure what the plan was, and at this point, I don't really care. Last I remember, Eirlys threw a cool lookin' lance at me and told me to go ham, so here I am... goin' HAM!

"Shut the hell up." Charlotte growled as she reined in her horse next to mine. She shot me a glare that looked like she wanted to do nothing more than lop my head off with that bigass greatsword of hers, but there was absolutely NO way I would let that happen even if she tried.

I mean, I had this glowing lance and everyone knows that the cooler your weapon is, the stronger you are. Like, the strongest knight in the whoooole Empire is Dame Artori—Huh. Actually, I guess not. Her sword's pretty simple lookin'...

Okay, well, the strongest knight I know personally has a pretty... Wait, no. Medrauta's swords are always just normal as hell. D-Damn it! Anyway, I'm right and they're wrong! Dame Artoria and Medrauta are just exceptions! People like Dame Eirlys have super cool looking swords, just like this kickass lance she gave me, and there was no way in hell I'd lose to Charlotte in any scenario!

I turned my gaze to Charlotte, fixing her with a gaze of supreme cool and nonchalance, doing what I called "putting on my best 'Medrauta-face'." She always has this annoying ass expression when she knows she's gonna win, and it honestly kinda pisses me off every time we spar. It's really funny when she does it to other people, though.

"Ahem!" I wiggled my godly eyebrows which I shaved into epic bean shapes to increase my power just for today. Of course, they'd be even more powerful if I dyed them pink, but I just love my natural lavender way too much!

"What?" Charlotte replied, her voice laced with acid as she kept a close eye on the remainder of the whatever-weird-lookin'-creatures clustered around the Spire. She wasn't even looking at me despite the effort I was making to create impressive wave-like motions with my bean eyebrows. How rude!

"Might I remind you that Dame Eirlys assigned me as the leader of this squad? That means I am your superior, ufufufu! That means you owe me an apology for your rudeness!" I crossed my arms, gazing down at Charlotte with what I thought was a super cool look of authority. Despite my bold claims, I was pretty new to this sort of thing.

"Oh, Aluvsha." Charlotte sighed, turning her head upwards to stare at the sky. Honestly, I have no clue why she did that. I mean, she wasn't gonna see Aluvsha and there wasn't much to look at up there, if you ask me. "Why the hell do they always put me with these brainless dolts?"

"H-Hey! That was really mean, Charlotte!" I winced, genuinely hurt this time. I dunno why she was like this, but sometimes Charlotte would say the meanest things ever.

Medrauta and Esme always shot jabs like this at me too, but we kinda all did it to each other and it was always in a joking fashion. With Charlotte, not so much...

Honestly, I wasn't really close with Charlotte either. I only knew her briefly after Medrauta introduced her to me, but we'd never shared any classes together, so I pretty much knew nothing about her. Worst of all, I wasn't learning anything new about her either. Well, except for the fact that she hates my guts.

Charlotte sighed, shaking her head as she returned her attention to the wriggling black mass of the whatever-crazy-monsters. "Look, Melindra. I'm not trying to be mean, but you simply continue to make idiotic choices that endanger the rest of the squad. Look at Sir Rodney behind us."

"Hm? What about him? He looks fine." I turned in my saddle, peering over my shoulder to look at the knight in question. Rodney wasn't exactly the best rider, but he was okay with his sword, I guess.

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