3rd Story - Brigitte

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No matter what happens to my body, no matter how many of these accursed creatures tear at my bleeding skin... I must go forward.

That was the mission given to me. The sole purpose for my current existence. In Medrauta's absence, I had to be twice as strong so that I could fill the void she left. How different would this operation have been if she were at the spearhead instead of me?

I didn't know, but one thing was for sure: she wouldn't let anyone die. Not a single person.

For that reason, I swung my blade.

"Brigitte!" One of my cohorts shouted. I couldn't recall her name mid-combat, but I was sure it started with an L. "You're moving too quickly! We can't keep up with you!"

What would Medrauta do?

That single thought echoed in my mind as I continued moving my arms, carving through the endless swarm of darkness that blocked my vision. The only thing I could see was the glowing blade of my sword, Secace. Dame Eirlys had given it to me prior to dispatching my cohort to Jestel Plaza, commanding us to free it from the witchspawn influence that had spread throughout the city like a cancer.

It wasn't as if I was lost without her. Rather, I considered myself a lot less prone to impulsive decisions than she, and I was markedly better than her at tactics, a fact that was likely pivotal in influencing Dame Eirlys' decision to give me this mission. But that was it. In the heat of battle, I had neither the confidence nor the impressive skill that she possessed.

Even so... I must fill that role so she and Lady Viviane can return with a smile on their faces. I grit my teeth whirling around as I swept my gleaming sword in a wide arc, dispatching several witchspawn at once. Though my technique wasn't as brutally powerful as Esmeralda's, I'd still managed to clear the way for my comrades and earn them some breathing room while I hurried to rejoin them.

"I'm sorry, Loretta." I said, finally remembering her name as the haze of battle faded from my mind. "I'll take more care to match everyone's pace from now on."

"Uh, no, you don't need to—" Loretta stopped, shaking her head. "What's gotten into you, Brigitte?"

"W-What do you mean?"

"You're... It's so weird. You're trying to do everything perfectly. That's not like you."

"I... I'm not."

That was all I could muster. What Loretta said was true... I was trying to be someone I wasn't, but that someone was so vital that I couldn't help it, especially when we were being thrown right into the thick of it. In a situation like this, I knew very well that I wasn't going to be enough.

If she were here, she would've been the one to take command, and I would be by her side, proudly supporting her and admonishing her impulsive mistakes. In a supporting role, there would be none who could match me, but in the spotlight...? I never should have made it to this position in the first place.

That's why—

"Brigitte!" It was Loretta again. "The next wave is coming! What do we do!?"

Six files, innumerable ranks. Without those ranks, it'd be a medium-sized engagement, but they'll probably encircle us. I inspected the incoming wave of witchspawn, running through the tactical theory I'd studied.

"Form up tightly, shields at the ready! And remember to make use of those mana neutralizers!" I shouted as confidently as I could. "Belita can take the center with her spear. I'll be in the front!"

The knights quickly moved into position even as I spoke, their deft movements conveying the trust they had in me. I didn't question it as much this time. I might be acting pretty weird, but I was sure of my tactical acumen at the very least. In that alone I could say I surpassed Medrauta.

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