9th Story - Morgana

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All my life, I have dedicated everything to protecting my people. But today is the day that I'll finally discover whether everything was worth it.

Well, I suppose when I put it like that it might sound a little selfish. It wasn't as if I had protected the villagers of this small town out of obligation or the expectation of a reward. Quite the contrary, actually. As a Paladin, protecting others was more than just a simple responsibility of mine. It was the very reason for the beating of my heart. Each breath that I took was not meant to sustain myself, but to prolong my existence so that I may continue to become a shield worthy of my people.

But at the same time, I couldn't help wondering just who would inherit the order's Oath. A year ago, my parents had decided to pass down the torch, and today was the day they were planning on doing it.

The inheritance of an Oath was no simple thing. It was a grand occasion that necessitated not only a ceremony, but a complex ritual that few were familiar with. The problem then, was whether or not I would be the one to inherit the Oath.

Yes, I was their daughter, but merely being their child wasn't enough to qualify me for such a heavy responsibility. After all, Oaths were not hereditary, and my parents had no obligation whatsoever to grant me an Oath should they deem me unworthy. The Paladins were a small group, after all, and unlike the witch hunters, we were dedicated to protecting the small pockets of civilization that still existed despite the Witch Queen's rule.

There was absolutely no room for leniency. If they had decided that someone else was more worthy of the Oath, then it would go to them despite my blood relations. That was the sole reason why I had worked tirelessly to meet their expectations and become a Paladin strong and accomplished enough to make an impression not just on my parents, but the citizens of this town as well.

I let out a sigh, hoping to release some of the tension that I'd accumulated from both my thoughts and the slightly rough patrol route that I'd experienced today. Although I wasn't unlucky enough to run into a witch, I'd been forced to deal with a few magical beasts lurking in the town's surrounding mana wastes. Worse yet, there were a few witchspawn amongst their number, meaning that a witch was no doubt lurking close by.

"Good work today, Morgana!" Morgause called out to me from behind as she approached. She was an old friend of mine. We'd practically grown up together as Paladins, both of us training to become future protectors of this village.

I turned, greeting her with a wave and a grin. Based on her slightly disheveled state and the sweat that still coated her brow, she had only just returned from her patrol as well.

"You too, Morgause." I replied. "Today's the day, isn't it? Are you ready?"

"'Ready'?" Morgause laughed, the sound bright and cheery. She brushed a lock of her long black hair away from her cheek, showing off her beautiful smile in an almost boastful way. "Morgana, c'mon. I'm more than just 'ready.' I'm excited! Aren't you?"

I shifted my gaze away, pursing my lips. I wasn't really sure how to answer her, but then again, Morgause had always been like this. Whereas I worked hard on my own, she always took the spotlight. That wasn't to say she wasn't a hard worker, but she particularly liked showing off her strength and her confidence was a consequence of that.

"Well... I'm not sure if I'll get picked is all. How—Ouch!" I winced as Morgause punched me in the shoulder at full strength. "Hey! That fuckin' hurt!"

"The hell're you talkin' about, Morgana?" Morgause flashed me a fierce grin that was more akin to a predator baring its fangs than anything else. "You're the best of us, y'know? You work twice as hard as anyone else in the order. If even you're doubtin' yourself, then what've we got left?"

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