7th Story - Padraig

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I've served this emperor for long enough.

"You cannot be serious, Your Imperial Majesty."

Before me stood His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Claudius of the Avalyne Empire. The most powerful man in the land and the bearer of the Solar Crest said to have been wielded by Soleil himself in days of yore, there were very few who could influence him.

I was one of those people, but no longer. As of late, it seems that the more time he spends with that blasted Duke Avimorne, the more illogical and obstinate he becomes.

It's not as if Lady Scarlet's achievements are his either, and quite honestly, I do not know how he even made it into His Imperial Majesty's privy council, but it most certainly was not due to his daughter's influence. If it was, then His Imperial Majesty would not be denying my request right now.

"Captain Padraig." The emperor intoned, attempting to assert his authority. Once upon a time, perhaps his voice might have had some sort of gravitas, but as it stood he was nothing more than a vain ruler who had succumbed to greed like the many other fools who have grown too accustomed to their power. "I have made my stance clear. You are not to send Lady Scarlet any correspondence, nor are you to meet her. Remember who you serve. You are not a dog of House Avimorne."

But it seems to me that you are. It had taken me great effort to bite back those words, but I found it ironic that such a phrase would slip from his lips. Perhaps he was not aware of how he was being manipulated by Duke Avimorne despite countless warnings from his advisors, but he was little more than Duke Avimorne's mouthpiece now.

Of course, the duke's suggestions hadn't been exceptionally ludicrous by any means, but they have slowly drained our coffers and made the Castellia duchy's resources begin to dwindle, a development that was undoubtedly dangerous as their army was our first line of defense against Kaslavna. Despite this, Emperor Claudius has not made any attempts to rectify the changes Duke Avimorne suggested, even at the behest of his daughter, Princess Gwenhwyfar.

"I have never considered myself a dog." I replied, reaching for the shoulder cape affixed to my right pauldron. I tore it off in a single motion and threw it on the floor before me. "Not House Avimorne's. Not yours."

"What is the meaning of this, Padraig?" Emperor Claudius stared at me, seemingly unable to comprehend my latest actions.

"I quit."


I nearly burst out laughing at His Imperial Majesty's reaction. He looked like he couldn't believe what he was hearing, but honestly... What was he even expecting? There was nothing left for me here and Duke Avimorne along with his allies had worked tirelessly to prevent me from rising to my previous rank during the past four years. In fact, he had even been strategically cutting off the Emperor from his own children, pushing His Imperial Majesty to constantly fill his children's free time with additional lessons from the Imperial Scholars.

I knew it would become madness the moment Keith was promoted to Knight-Commander of the Imperial Order despite Lady Scarlet famously storming into the palace uninvited in a bid to change such an idiotic decision. She was still a young child back then, and though she still possessed her unmistakable aura of authority, it wasn't as sharpened as it was nowadays. Had she stormed the palace now, I was fairly certain that she might've been able to change the emperor's mind.

Alas, the past is something that cannot be changed.

I raised an eyebrow as the emperor continued to stare at me in disbelief. "I said I quit. I will be submitting my formal resignation from the Imperial Order by tonight, Your Imperial Majesty. Expect it to be brief."

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