2nd Story - Esmeralda

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Well, all I can say is that mistakes were made and this is a fuckton harder than I thought it'd be.

I mean, seriously. I thought it'd be hella easy since I was used to fighting against Medrauta, so a bunch of weird lookin' dog-shaped witchspawn shouldn't've been a problem, but DAMN! Give someone else this glowing greatsword!

"Dame Esmeralda! Sir Peter's flank is falling!" Liandra shouted. She was a second-year knight and an archer who had been given the artifact bow Failnaught, but for some reason, Dame Eirlys had seen fit to assign her to my squad. Why?

Probably just to ride my ass, honestly. Way I saw it, the squad that needed the most help was Brig's, and she sure as shit wasn't getting any. Stuck smack center in the approaching witchspawn army, Brig and her cohorts were probably getting pounded over and over again with wave after wave of these bullshit bitches, yet here I was holding my tits because little miss archer whore wanted me to run from flank to flank instead of... Y'know, fucking shooting them with your bow???

Whatever. I'm over it.

"On my way, fuckface!" I shouted, adding my little nickname for her as a matter of habit. I really should've laid off the shittalk with Mel when we were off duty.

"What did you say!?"

"On my way, Dame Liandra."

"That's what I thought you said."

Oh fuck off, bitch.

I hauled ass and made it to Peter's flank on the right in record time. Disengaging with the witchspawn weren't exactly hard, especially when fuckface finally decided to put that bow of hers to use and start shooting. Honestly, we wouldn't be having this much of an issue if she decided to focus on shooting instead of ordering everyone around, but eh... I can deal.

"Peter!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, breaking him free from his anxiety-induced trance. I had no idea why he was standing around lookin' like he just took a point-blank artillery shower, but I sure as hell wasn't gonna let him keep doin' it.

"E-Esmeralda! What're you doing here!?" Peter stared at me, his mouth agape as I easily cleaved through droves upon droves of attacking witchspawn with my enormous greatsword.

I don't blame him though. I am pretty damn cool, 'specially when I've got this glowing bodkin with me. Think Dame Eirlys called it "Marmyadose", but I ain't ever had a named weapon and that shit sounded way too fancy for me.

"Fuckface told me to come here, so I did. Hope she's shootin' up the center though, else it's gonna fall without me there." I replied.

Originally, I was supposed to be posted at the very front of our defensive position since I was the one with the big fuckin' sword, but Liandra clearly had other ideas. I sure as hell ain't in the mood to argue when we're getting overrun by witchspawn though, so I'll let Dame Eirlys chew her ass out after.

Peter shook his head, anxiety filling his eyes. "Don't think that's a good idea, Esmeralda. Like you said, center's gonna fall without you."

"You ain't doin' great over here either, honestly. What happened? Did those things Dame Eirlys give us run out of mana or something?"

"No, I just..." Peter hesitated before continuing. "I..."

Though I'd pretty much just wiped out their entire advance force, the witchspawn were still coming at us. All I'd done was give us a bit more breathing room. Even so, there was seriously no time for me to play psychologist and wait for Peter to spit it out.

"Who died this time?" I asked bluntly. Yeah, fuck me. It was insensitive, but the dude's leading a whole ass flank. He starts staring off into space like he was a few seconds ago and we're all fucked.

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