Ch 14

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"Ughhh! I feel so dirty!!' I yelled at the world

"Then go take a shower idiot!" Louis said sassily

"Can I go home and get my clothes and stuff?" I asked

I was staying at his house until I knew where my mum was. She had left the hospital the day that I got out and I've tried calling her, the one time that she answered she was obviously intoxicated and she denied having a daughter. I'm afraid Louis and my friends are the only ones I have left.

"Sure, love!" He said

"Oh, and Louis one more thing I have a puppy, so she will obviously have to come live with us."

"Of corse!" He said excitedly.

We got in the car and drove to my house, when we got there my puppy, Tigger, ran over to me and jumped on my arms. I love her so much!! I heard rustling from upstairs and went up there to see with Lou hot on my trail. I walked into my moms room and saw that she was sitting on the bed drinking. I walked over to her and sat next to her. She smelled of alcohol.

"Hi mum." I said

"Who are you?!" She screamed in my face

"I-I'm your daughter!" I said shocked she didn't remember me

"Get out!!" She slurred

"But-" I started but was interrupted by a sharp punch in the face.

I stood up and ran, when I got downstairs I grabbed Tigger and left, Louis had seen it all and was already in the car ready for a quick escape. I climbed in and u started to cry, I let all my emotions out, as fast as my teats could fall Tigger would lick them away faster.

We arrived back at the house and Louis automatically jumped out and picked me up bridal Style and ran me into the couch put me on his lap and just let me cry and cry and cry. My eye had started to swell, Dang I don't want a black eye!

I sat up finally I had run out of tears, I sipped off my tears and Louis saw my eye his mouth dropped to the floor

"Oh my Gosh, your eye!" He said his accent thick with worry

"Does it look that bad?" I asked shakily

I know that it was bad because i couldn't open it, I walked over to the bathroom leavening Tigger on Lou's lap.

When I saw my eye I was disgusted it was purple and green and black it looked horrible it was swollen shut.

I walked back to Lou and sat on his lap he had gotten me an ice pack I happily applied it on my eye reliving some of the pain.

"Does it hurt?" Lou questioned

He must of seen me flinch when I placed it on my eye.

"Yes." I said honestly there was no use I telling a lie I stink at telling lies.

"I'm sorry!" He said

"It's ok." I said

"Can I pretty please take a shower?" I questioned

"Of corse, but be warned we are going SHOPPING LATER!!!"

"Yaaaaaa!!!!!" I screamed and ran up to take a shower.



Sorry for late update I had major writers block! 😑😤

Any who... How are y'all?

And yes I'm from Texas, and no I don't talk like Sandy from Spongebob.


Wuff ya- Faithio💖

Forever Daddy's little girlWhere stories live. Discover now