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Your hand shook as you sunk into the chair, the tribute's faces on one side of the screen while the other showed your school's logo as the games were yet to start.

your eyes drift to him. your eyes still swollen from last night as your boots are left muddy from sloppily running home with blurry eyes, you sobbed into your sheets and now you feel pathetic.

you just wanted it to be over, these games, everything.

you couldn't stop your legs from rising as you walked straight to him. sitting on the vacant chair where Felix would've been.

he does a double take to you before flashing you a smile

"Hey, Y/n...excited for the games?" he talks to you as if you're a classmate he's trying to avoid

"not really." you mumble, and he nods.

"you didn't come to the dinner Clemmy planned last night..." you tell him, his eyes widen as he frantically nods

"yeah, right, I was...just so tired" he's lying to you. why can't he just be honest?

" you think you'd want to go out tonight?" you ask, knowing most mentors dip once the night falls. What's the point in watching people sleep for 8 hours?

or maybe if you prayed hard enough your tributes would be gone by tonight.

you shook the last thought out of your head.

"oh...I'm not sure. I wanna be here just in case something happens" he tells you, you can't help but feel annoyed 

"are you serious?" you snap. his brows furrow at your sudden change

"what do you mean?"

"are you seriously gonna watch a girl sleep instead of going home?" you almost chuckle as your face grows hot with anger

"what if someone attacks her?" he defends

"then the girl from 12 is dead and you get to go home." you stood up and stormed back to your seat as the lights dimmed and Mr. Flickerman tapped his microphone

"Welcome to the 10th Hunger Games!"

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