Chapter 15

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Heavy TW in this chapter for torture. Be warned.

This a much longer chapter than usual. Also imagine all people in this are 16+

"Lord Malfoy, a pleasure to reacquaint with you, I am most grateful for your upcoming hospitality," I greet Lucius formally as is expected with due respect.

His pureblood mask as strong as ever holds as he takes my hand and lifts it to his lips.

"Miss Potter, the pleasure is all mine, an honour to have you stay in my estate I am only more than happy to invite you into my home,"

I nod in response, now the formalities are over I am hugging my arms closer to my body to stop myself from shaking in the cold winters wind.

"Freak!!" I tense at the familiar shout, I catch Adrik and Draco from the corner of my eye and they look at Vernon in disgust. Lucius covers his own prejudices behind his ever present pure blood mask.

Tom stirs in my head reminding me of his presence. Vernon shouts my nickname once again and I feel annoyance and impatience at the sound of his voice. He is causing a scene and people are starting to look on, including the trio.

Vernon catches sight of me and starts his slow March, Dudley and Petunia right behind him. Her blonde hair and horse long neck contradict Vernons missing neck and dark hair. Dudley looks like Vernon in that area.

"You freak let's go, it's bad enough we was forced to be here to pick you up, I don't need to be here any longer than necessary. You are lucky we're such charitable people or you'd be in an orphanage living off their scraps. Get here now freak," people are looking between me and the muggles who I am forced to share blood with.

Pansy and Millicent look at me with the same disgust that Adrik is directing at Vernon.

"Go on Stells, go with Vernon, Dumbledore knows what is best and it will do you well to be away from these guys," Harry cuts into the long standing silence his voice and words like a knife.

I love this world and will never return to their house unless I have to, I have a choice and I definitely don't intend to change my mind.

Dudley looks at me in impatience and annoyance, he believes he is better than me. They all do, Pansy, Millicent, Umbridge, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Hell all of Gryffindor and everyone I am related to," Adrik steps up behind me and wraps an arm around my torso, he leans in close to my ear.

"You're so fucking sexy when you are angry, makes my cock so fucking hard for you," he practically groans as he hoarsely whispers his desires into my ear for only me to hear.

Vernon looks pissed so does Harry but I am used to both by now.

They all think you're a freak darling, I used to be called so too at the muggle orphanage, muggles hate us for being naturally superior to them, be calculating don't lash out but put a message across to them.

I know what he is saying makes sense, it always does. I knew of toms situation before he came to Hogwarts but it still shocks me with how similar we really are. I step out of Adriks arms and step closer to Vernon.

He looks to be second guessing himself by steadies his position. Harry looks relieved and so does nearly everyone else.

"Hello Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, Dudley, I am afraid such dire circumstances will restrain me from being in your house this winter break, you see there is a few pressing matters with grave consequences if not seen to, a war is on the rise and I am at the epicentre of it,

Should I leave the Wizarding world they should come after you due to you being my only living relatives and with no precautionary magical protections in place on your muggle house poor Dudley could get taken as retribution so I shall take my "freak self" and depart with my own kind, good day,"

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