On the 1st Day of Christmas

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You were tired, broke and struggling to survive the bruttally cold winter.

You couldn't afford a coat or hat or gloves or scarf to stay warm.

All of your money went to feeding your 3 month old baby sister expensive baby formula, since your Mom abondoned you all right after Thanksgiving.

You had to bring your sister with you to work at the nursing home.

The old folk loved babysitting for you, while you swept and mopped the floors of their room for minimum wage.

You were praying for a Christmas bonus - but it was only for the nurses, not the janitors like you.

You had just finished your shift and was strapping your baby sister into her car seat when she started to wail in hunger.

Unfortunately the last can of formula you had was pretty much empty and your baby sister started wailing after finishing off the last ounce of her bottle in the backseat of the car.

You were holding her in your arms, against your chest, rocking back and forth - hoping she would forget the hunger pains and just fall asleep- when you noticed the shadow appear by the side of your car.

You prayed it was your boss - here to give you a cash bonus for the Holidays.

You turned toward the shadow and noticed it was just some creepy looking girl with dark hair spilling out from underneath a red and white Santa hat, staring at you.

She was wearing red pants with chains on it and a tight black and red Christmas sweater with a snowman on the front.

At first you thought it was some new employee of the nursing home, because of the badge hanging on a lanyard around her neck.....but it was some type of VIP music festival badge.

There weren't any music festivals in town.

Perhaps she was just a Christmas crackhead about to ask you for some spare change.

"Do you need help?" She asked - her vivid blue eyes widening in concern- before she looked down at your crying sister.

You realized you kind of recognized her face from Tv.......but you didn't know her name.

You would have assumed she was a famous actress had she not said she was leaving in two hours to headline a Christmas music festival, but she still had some time to help you out.

"- Help me with what?!" You snapped, annoyed that she came over here bragging about headlining some dumb ass Christmas music festival you had never even heard of.

You didn't give a fuck who she was or what she had planned!

You had REAL problems to worry about!

Your Dad went shopping for milk two fucking months ago and never came back home!

No phone calls, no texts, no emails - nothing!

Your Mom reported him missing and the police said they were able to track him down - in Guatemala with a completely different family!

He had a wife of 28 years and SEVEN KIDS!

Your Mom - his wife of 15 years - was really his side chick and he had only been using her for a green card!

He had been away for so long because he lost his passport and got stuck in South America.

Your Mom went crazy hearing the news and just ran off into the night woods...... never to return....so you had to drop out of High School to take care of your four little sisters.

Oni and Loni - the 10 year old twins were in school during the day.

Zona's 6 but she has severe cerebal palsy so she's in a group home for the disabled.

"It sounds like she's hungry. Where's her Mom?" The nosy girl standing outside of you car asked.

"- I'M taking care of her and I ran out of formula, ok?! You want to help me? How about you get me some more fucking baby formula, huh? Can you do that?! No?! Well then get the FUCK OUT MY FACE!" You cried.

You were angry.....but for some reason your outburst just ended with you bursting out into tears.

You didn't even care that she was a stranger - as she invited herself into the backseat of your car next to you and took your baby sister out of your arms.

"Formula, huh? That fake shit isn't good for a baby! She needs real human milk!" The girl said, before smiling at your sister and bringing her closer to her chest.

Your tears of frustration quickly stopped when the stranger lifted her Christmas sweater and lacey red bra up - letting her large pale breasts topple free.

You watched in shock as she brought your crying sister to her puffy pink nipple and shoved it into her little mouth.

Your sister's tears instantly stopped as she hungrily sucked away on the strange girl's jiggling titty.

She smiled warmly at her, before looking over at you.

"Don't worry! I'm a vegan! Vegans have the best breast milk!" She said to you.

You didn't even know what to say, as the girl held her free hand out for you to shake, "I'm Billie, by the way! What's this little one's name?"

You told her your baby sister's name before introducing yourself.

Then you sheepishly apologized for your earlier outburst.

"It's ok. The holidays are a stressful time for alot of families. I used to be poor too. I know what it's like to go to bed hungry. You should never be ashamed to ask for help when you need it." She said.

You thanked Billie for helping you and your sister.

"It's my pleasure! We can always use a little Christmas cheer!" She replied, as she continued to feed your sister.

You were incredibly greatful for her help.....even though she was a random stranger breastfeeding your sister.

She seemed like a good person, so you weren't too worried.

Besides, she said she's a vegan!

Vegans are healthy people!

Surely she wasn't some crazed lunatic who jumped in your car to feed your sister poisoned crackhead breast milk.

Still......you couldn't be too trusting.

After all you didn't really know anything about this Billie girl, other than her name and that she grew up poor.

You didnt really care that she was a famous singer.

You knew plenty of crazy singers who went to jail for killing people.

Maybe she was just as crazy......

"So....Billie right? How many kids do you have?" You asked curiously, noticing how comfortable she was, with your baby sister.

"Me? None." She admitted, "- But I love kids and can't wait to have one of my own one day!"

Confused, you watched her pull her milk dripping nipple out of your sister's mouth and put her on her shoulder to burp her.

"........How do you have milk?" You asked.

"All vegans have breast milk!" She informed you.

"Really? I uhhh I didn't know that was a thing." You said, as she handed you back a full, sleepy baby.

"Well it's true! Now, I've got a flight to catch. It was nice meeting you two! If you ever need more milk just call the vegan milk society! They'll send a certified vegan breast milk maid to your house." She said, before fixing her bra and sweater.

Then you watched in fascination as she stepped out of your car and yelled out, "- BLIIIIIIIITZEEEEEENNNNN!"

The galloping reindeer with flashing red and green lights wrapped around his antlers came out of no where!

Billie climbed onto his back, waved goodbye to you, then grabbed ahold of his antlers - and flew off up into the air - on her merry little way to perform at her Christmas music festival.

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