Staying Away

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The Haunted Mask Ep:2

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The Haunted Mask Ep:2


Before the accident

"Lucas come on. What the hell are you doing? You're gonna get hurt." Lucas has a skateboard in his hand, "I'll be fine Cam, you know I'd just get back up. Plus that's what the helmets for." Cam watches as he puts the skateboard on the ground near the stairwells, him holding the railing. Cam closes her eyes and messages her forehead, "Lucas, are you insane? You almost just killed me!"
Cam opens her eyes and heads down the stairs in a rush. "Lucas, what the hell!?" she looks at Lucas and then turns back to Isabella, "I'm sorry Izzy, are you okay?" Isabella looks at Cam annoyance on her face. "Oh, sorry, I didn't see you."
Cam sighs and looks at Lucas giving him a really look. "Yeah, I'm fine Camilla, and it's Isabella." Cam watches as she goes upstairs and heads to her next class. She turns to see Lucas laughing with his friends. She goes up to him and smacks him on the head, "You need to be more careful." She shakes her head and leaves him heading to her next class.

Load music's playing and Cams talking to some people she knows at school. She laughing at something they said, when she feels like something's off. She looks over and sees someone wearing a porcelain doll mask. She stares at them confused, something feeling off but shakes her head and looks around the room. Spotting her best friend and walks over to him to talk.

A few days after the accident

The sound of a motorcycle is turning off heard. Turning the bike off Cam walks towards Isaiah's house. Knocking on the door, she sees Isaiah's dad, "Hey Cam, you're here early." Cam gives him a friendly smile, "Yeah well thought I check on Isaiah. Make sure he's not a mopey mess you know." His dad chuckles and lets her in "He's in the kitchen". She nods her head and makes her way to the kitchen, "Oh no. It's worse than I thought, forget mopey, brooding seems to be more like it." Isaiah looks up and sees Cam leaning against his door, arms crossed, he chuckles and smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes. "Hey, Cam."

Cam walks over and sits on a chair across from him, "Hey, I see your trying to upstage Nora." She looks around spotting cookies and pastries
all around the kitchen, "how've you been?" Isaiah shrugs his shoulders a little, "You remember how you described that dream you had?"
Cam nods her head, "That's what I saw, and now it seems to be the only thing I see when I close my eyes. How'd you know?" Isaiah looks at her and she's shaking her head, "I- I don't know. But that's not the worst part." Isaiah looks at her confused, "While you were on that field, it's like I was in that dream again, there was just fire and smoke and then next I know I'm in the hospital, because according to my dad I just passed out." She sighs and looks back up a Isaiah, "What are we gonna do?"

Isaiah sighs and looks around his kitchen, "I don't know, but we gotta figure something out cause I don't think it's over. And we can't do this alone." He looks down at his phone and sees messages from James. Can see's that Isaiah's trying to call him but it goes straight to voicemail, "James, it's me. I really need to talk to you, okay?  I can't believe you're making me leave you a voicemail. Can you call me? Please? Thanks." And he hangs up the phone.

She's about to say something when she hears someone walk in through the side door. "Hey guys."
"Hey Margot"
"Sup, M"
"I'm not bothering you guys, am I?" Cam shakes her head, and Isaiah says no, "No you're all good." and proceeds to walk to the table full of cookies, "Just sorting some stuff out." He's about to drop a glass pan of pastries but Margot helps him before that happens. "What... I got it." Cam looks at him like he's crazy, "You have a broken arm."

She points at Margot in agreement and shakes her head, "Oh really I didn't notice." Isaiah turns to Margot, "Okay, I'm sorry. That was me expressing empathy badly." He goes to disagree but Cam cuts him off,  "I understand you have this whole macho thing going on but let us help you, weirdo." Isaiah looks at Cam and then at Margot, "you're not bad at it. It's just everything sucks right now. So.."

Cam turns around leaning on the kitchen counter, " Oh please, take a seat at... at my bakery." Cam smiles and Margot giggles, "Yeah I told him he was gonna put Nora out of business." Isaiah smiles and Margot nods her head, "Every cookie in Port Lawrence."
Margot takes off her jacket and gets comfortable, "Yeah, every five minutes someone shows up with a new baked good." Cam looks at her shoes still leaning on the table, "So, what happens now?" This causes her to look up at Isaiah, "Rehab. They're saying I got like six months minimum. So... So my scholarships up in the air right now."

Margot's looking down at the table, "Look Isaiah, I'm really  sorry about the other day. You were in trouble and I just, I threw it back in your face." Cam looks up knowing about this. Isaiah had told her that he tried getting Margot to believe him and it didn't work. "You want any of this mess? I'm sure one of these does not contain nuts."

Cam sighs and rolls her eyes already knowing he's not gonna talk about it. "Isaiah, what you told me about the Camera. Look, I saw it. I saw it happen." She closes her eyes and looks down, "Okay, all of these contain nuts. Literally, any of these will kill you. It makes no sense. Why would you put nuts in all baked goods? It's like putting avocado in a BLT. It's just a way of ruining a perfectly good thing." Margot gets up from her chair and joins them near the counter. "Isaiah, I saw you on the field and something was clearly wrong. What did you see out there before you broke your arm?"

Cam furrows her eyes trying not to remember, "Your better off staying far away from this." Cam looks up at Margot knowing she'll want to help, "Far away from what?" Isaiah sniffles and turns to the cookies, "I need to get back to all this. Thank you for coming round. Bye." Cam stops leaning and starts walking out, "I gotta go to so, I'll see you guys later."
She walks out with Margot, heading to her bike. "Wait Cam!" Camilla sighs and turns to her, "Is there something going on that I don't know about?" Cam looks at her, "Like Isaiah said Margot, it's safer if you don't know." She starts up motorcycle and leaves Margot by the driveway confused.

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