Katie McCabe - I don't deserve you

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WARNING ⚠️ Mention of endometriosis⚠️

I adore Katie so here you go!

I woke up to an overwhelming pain in my stomach and a dampness beneath me. Wow what a way to start today, I thought, extremely frustrated at the timing of my period. I had unfortunately suffered from endometriosis for a good portion of my life, I may have gotten used to it but it's never become
any easier. Every month I dreaded the day it would arrive as I can hardly get out of bed let alone play football and run around.

I turned to my side and discovered that my girlfriend was not in bed with me, which I had been silently hoping for.

"Shit" I muttered under my breath as I slowly sat up and realised there was a lot more blood than I was expecting. I didn't want Katie to see this as I would be overly embarrassed if she did.

I quickly yet reluctantly got up from my bed, ignoring the searing stomach cramps that shot through my entire body. I carefully got into the shower doing my best to hold back the tears of pain and worry that were threatening to fall, you see I have just signed for arsenal to join Katie and I am supposed to be introduced to the team today.

I wanted so desperately to make a good first impression. I wanted Katie's best friends and teammates to like me.

Just as I began thinking about this Katie walked through the door,

"Fuck I forgot to lock it" I said aloud to Katie trying hard to keep my voice from trembling so she wouldn't suspect anything.

"Are you okay baby girl"
Katie replied in her think Irish accent, obviously picking up my tone of voice. "Yeah fine, be down in a minute" I said as I heard Katie's retreating footsteps. I sighed and turned the shower off, trying not to think about the day to come.

After I took care of everything I needed to in the bathroom and took some painkillers, hoping they would kick in relatively soon.
I washed our stained bed sheets as quickly as possible while Katie was making breakfast but before I could re make the bed I suddenly had the overwhelming urge to throw up.

I quickly dropped the washed sheets and ran to the bathroom where I very painfully threw up. After I flushed the toilet and washed my hands I sat on the cold tiled floor for a minute to calm myself down.

After I started feeling a little better I left the bathroom and made the bed, I lay on the bed for a moment before I hear Katie yell.

"Baby breakfast is ready!"

I get out of bed once again which takes more effort than should be necessary and slowly descended the stairs. I wasn't really paying attention when I reached the bottom and was severely startled when I was pinned against the wall by the one and only Katie McCabe, unable to get away as she is considerably stronger than me

"Y/n baby what's wrong"

"Nothings wrong, I'm just nervous to meet the team that's all"

I lie refusing to meet her intense gaze. "Darling look at me" Katie says in a gentle yet demanding voice, encouraging me to talk to her, however I know if I look at her I'll crack. I have to be strong, she never cries so I don't want her to see me crying.

"Come on sweetheart I know somethings not right" Katie brings her hand to my chin softly and tilts my head to face her. As soon as I look at her I see her expression soften and my eyes become glossy with tears.

"Oh baby girl come here" Katie holds me close and lets me sob into her shoulder. After a minute I finally speak. "My um p-period came th-this morning" I managed to get out while still sobbing uncontrollably. Katie just continued stroking my hair.

"Let it all out sweetie it's okay to cry" Hearing these words made my heart melt with love for the girl comforting me.  "I'll call Jonas and the girls and tell them you can't make it today"

"No it's okay I'll be fine" I lie once again. Really all I want to do is cuddle with Katie on the lounge and watch a movie but I know I can't do that. "No baby they'll understand, they have too, and you know what, I'll say I can't go in either" you really didn't deserve the love you received from your amazing girlfriend.

"You don't have to Katie" I mumbled into the crook of her neck, the pain in my stomach steadily getting easier to handle. "Of course I do, love" Katie laughed.

Once you were finished crying Katie picked you up bridal style and carried you to the lounge. She threw a blanket over you and got you a comfortable pillow to lay your head on.

She quickly went and called Jonas to let him know the two of you will not be there due to you both being sick and that you would be meeting the team another day.

Once she was finished she re heated your breakfast and you ate with her while watching a movie. Once you were comfy again Katie heated up a hot water bottle in an attempt at soothing your remaining cramps and stomach pain. Once she was finished she lay down beside you on the lounge and cuddles you until the two of you eventually fall asleep in each others arms.

You truly didn't deserve this amazing girl.
What do you all think! This is my first one shot cause I adore Katie aha. Let me know who you want me to write about next!
959 words. Might need to write a little more 🥲

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