Caitlin Foord - How I met your mother

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Hey everyone, I thought this was a pretty cute idea so here you go! Also has to write about a fellow Aussie xx

No one's POV
"Ellie, come here sweetie" Caitlin whispers to the small figure standing in the doorway. The room is dim and Caitlin's wife, Y/n, is still stuck in a deep sleep. "Quietly baby, mummy is still sleeping" Caitlin whispers gently to her small daughter, pulling her up into the bed.

Today is Caitlin and Y/n's five year anniversary and they are planning on spending the day with their 5 year old daughter.

Currently, Caitlin lay awake with Ellie in her arms, patiently waiting for Y/n to wake from her peaceful slumber so the small family can begin their day. "Mummy" Ellie asks Caitlin, who draws all of her attention to her. "Yes baby?" She questions.

"What are we doing today? Ellie asks, carefully removing the hairs stuck to the front of her face.

"Well you, your mum and I are going to go down to the beach to spend the day, how does that sound?" She watches as Ellie's face lights up as she mentions the beach. Ellie has always loved the beach, it was like her happy place.

"Yay!" Ellie exclaims, quite loud. As a result, Y/n turns to face the two and slowly opens her eyes.

"Morning" Y/n yawns and smiles at the two. "Morning love, sorry" Caitlin laughs and apologises on Ellie's behalf. "Morning mummy" Ellie crawls over to Y/n and hugs her.

"Morning Ells" She greets her good morning, placing a kiss to her forehead. Caitlin and Y/n share a kiss and a small, "Happy anniversary" before getting out of bed and preparing breakfast. Y/n begins cooking eggs on the stove while Caitlin goes to take a quick shower.


When Caitlin hops out of the shower and Y/n plates the delicious meal she had made, which consists of, eggs, bacon and buttered toast. Caitlin's favourite, Caitlin walks into the kitchen and is instantly hit with the mouth watering smell of the food Y/n had made.

"Thank you babe" Caitlin kisses
Y/n on the cheek and sits down next to Ellie at the dining table. Shortly after Y/n joins them and they begin eating.

"Mum" Ellie says, referring to Caitlin.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Why is today so special?"

"Well five years ago today, your mother and I got married" Caitlin tries her best to make her explanation easy for the five year old to understand.

"Oh, how did you and mummy meet?" Ellie asks with genuine curiosity.

"That's a long story baby" Caitlin replies, not wanting to bore the child.

"Pretty please tell me" Ellie begs, batting her eyelashes at Caitlin and Y/n.

"Okay fine baby we'll tell you" Caitlin finally gives in and takes a moment to think back to when and where the love story takes place.

Ellie just giggles and waits for her mother to speak.


Flashback from 2015
Caitlin's POV

I was lying in my bed, thinking about the game I was playing the next day against United, my debut for Arsenal. I was already racked with nerves and it wasn't even the day of the game. I knew being by myself and thinking about all that could possibly go wrong was not doing me any good so I stood up, walked over to my cupboard and pulled out a jumper, preparing to go outside to the football pitch and clear my head. It was the only thing that had ever helped me

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