Kyra Cooney-Cross- Lost

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Hey everyone!!! Oh my gosh it's been a hot minute since I published a chapter an I am so sorry for that. These past few months have been so busy on my behalf with school and work and whatever else. But I'm going to get these requests rolling in as many of them have been left for me to do. As of now requests are closed however I will let you know when they are back open again.

Kyra Cooney- Cross was actually highly requested you here you are, enjoy!!


"Kyra" I yell, dragging her name out. We were on National team camp and I couldn't find Kyra anywhere. We were just about to begin training and I knew if I wasn't with her she would easily get herself lost. Wandering the halls of the training facility I hope that she has someone with a sense of maturity alongside her that can get her to training safely and on time.

Sighing, I decide to give up and head to the dressing room where most of the girls will be waiting. Once I enter I search to make sure Kyra hadn't found her way there whilst I was frantically looking for her. When I don't spot her I internally roll my eyes. She most likely was on her own somewhere in the building panicking about her lack of navigation skills.

I make my way over to my best friend Courtney Nevin, "Hey, have you seen Kyra?" I ask her whilst I sit down and begin removing my sneakers. 
"Nope, why?" Courtney questions, concern written all over her face. I shake my head and explain what is going on.

Once I have gotten my cleats and training gear on  I walk around the dressing room bombarding the  girls with questions on Kyra's whereabouts. None of them giving a helpful answer. I talk to Tony, our coach and ask him if he knows anything. When he doesn't I start getting really worried. All of the girls were already here and ready, no one was with my girlfriend, she was all alone in a place she had never even stepped foot in prior to this.

"Can Courtney and I go look for her please" I beg Tony, wanting nothing more than my girlfriend to be safe in my arms. I don't honestly know what possessed me to be so protective over Kyra, I guess it's just because she's a little younger than me and always getting herself into trouble because she's so immature. But otherwise I know she can handle herself.

"Sure girls but please be quick, I'll have to start training without you okay?" He replies and we immediately nod and thank him.

"Kyra!" Courtney shouts and I follow her lead.

"Baby! Where are you?" I yell as loud as I can in an attempt to alert Kyra, wherever she may be.

We keep looking for a few minutes until we turn a corner and spot a figure sitting down on a bench with their head in their hands. As we get a little closer I can make out brunette hair that's tied into a low bun and the unmistakable body of my girlfriend.

"Kyra?" I question softly as we get close enough. She immediately lifts her head in our direction and rushes over to us. As she gets closer I can see her tear stained face more clearly and my heart breaks a little upon wondering what was going through her pretty little head.

I pull her into a tight embrace and rub her back in an attempt to soothe her. "Oh my gosh thank God you guys found me" She breathes in a sigh of relief. "What happened?" Courtney questions her and she replies,

"I freaking left my phone in my locker and didn't have anyway to contact anyone so I had no idea how to get to the dressing room, and this building is hella big so after a while of looking I just accepted my fate and starting balling" Kyra laughs and lets go of me.

"Oh lord, come on let's get back so we can train" I say softly and we begin making our way back to the dressing room.

This girl can be extremely silly at times.

Heyy so I hope you guys enjoyed this little once shot, once again I'm really sorry for making you all wait so long for these but don't worry they will be more frequent now!!

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