Mary Earps - What is wrong with you Part 1

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Haven't seen many one shots involving Mary so here you go! Hope you enjoy.

I am a forward for Manchester united and have been for around 3 years, only transferring when spurs couldn't give me what I needed for my career. I had always wanted to play for United as a child, it was my dream.

It took a little longer for me to settle in than I first would have expected. I was so used to Spurs being my home and seeing my old teammates everyday. But I was welcomed with open arms by all the girls and I have made so many close friends since.

A couple of weeks ago we had a new goalkeeper sign for us. She was, well, not very bright to say the least. She didn't seem to care about making friends. She seemed to only care about working hard and being the best she can be, which, of course, I do understand but I also know that team bonding is very important. So I'm definitely confused by the way she acts.
This morning I wake up oddly energetic for a Wednesday and don't even bother making myself a coffee, I immediately get changed into my training kit and slowly make my way through my morning routine.

Once I'm finished I quickly pack a  backpack with everything needed for a hardcore training session. I know that today was going to be more difficult than usual as we have a number of physical tests to complete.

I realise that I'm running a little late and begin to pick up my pace. I lock the front door and hop in my car.

I always loved driving to the training ground, it may sound weird but it calmed me. I arrived after a 15 minute drive and parked my car. I grab my backpack and practically run to the dressing room so I'm not late.

Once I reached the dressing room I spotted my two best friends and teammates, Ella Toone and Katie Zelem, talking amongst each other. I walked over to them and greeted them with a "Hey girls, what's up?" And put my bag down.

"Not much, girl you ready for this training sesh?" Katie asked me once I had retrieved my boots from the bag. "Not at all, you know I hate these" I laughed, tying my first bootlace. "Ah they're not that bad Y/n, don't be a wuss" Ella commented. I just shot her a look and laughed.

After spending some time talking to Katie and Ella I realised that our goalkeeper, Mary Earps, was not in the dressing room with us. Curiosity got the better of me as I asked Ella where she was.

"Pretty sure she's out practicing" Ella replied with a small smirk in which I just barely picked up. I didn't bother saying anything.

Mary's POV:
I had just signed for Manchester United around 2 weeks ago and I'm not exactly loving it. The players here were just too happy, no one seemed to actually focus on the more serious side of football which annoyed me to no end. At my old club, all we had to focus on was the seriousness, we didn't have time to be happy or have fun.

Deep down I know that it's wrong that I think like this but I was just so used to it from my old club, it was like I didn't have a choice. I left my old club because they put me on loan. I am planning to go back next season, so I won't have to deal with this for much longer.

Right now I am practicing my goalkeeping duties, getting ready for the training session to come. This one was supposed to be difficult so I was looking forward to it, I love a good challenge.

After a little while I spot the rest of the team walking towards the training pitch. Great, here we go. I think to myself, a wave of annoyance once again washing over me. I slowly walk over to the group and stand at least a metre from them, staring straight ahead, focused.

We are just walking over to the training pitch awaiting the beginning of training, in which I was dreading, when I see Mary looking over at us. She looks annoyed. I think to myself as I begin wondering why that could be. I was so lost in thought that I almost screamed when I bumped into the back of her.

"Watch where you're going will you" She turned around and said sternly, looking me in the eye. I couldn't help but feel intimidated by her tall figure looming over me. "S-sorry, I'm sorry" I muttered not even sure if she could hear me.
There was something else I felt as well, however I couldn't quite make out what that feeling was so I ignored it.

Mary's POV
I am waiting for the coach to speak, ready for training when I am startled out of my thoughts by someone running into my back. I turn around and snap "Watch where you're going will you" to the short girl that was responsible, i recognised her as Y/n. I couldn't help but feel guilt as I looked at her shrinking figure, clearly intimidated, even scared of me. "S-sorry, I'm sorry" she said barely audible, but I heard it. However I pretend I don't. I felt something in my chest that almost made me feel giddy but I brushed it off as a feeling of dislike towards the girl, Refusing to believe for a second that it was something else.

I walk over to the group and make small talk with a couple of them. After a few minutes the coach comes over and speaks. "Morning girls, I hope you're ready to go as training will begin now, get into partners and we'll begin our warm ups" the coach finished and I immediately turned to Katie and Ella but they had already partnered up. They were always closer to each other than I was to the two of them but it still hurt every time they left me out, it was like they never wanted to be with me.

I quickly brushed it off and looked around. Everyone already in pairs except one, Mary Earps. I took a deep breath and walked over to her. I tried to ignore how nervous I was but failed miserably. I tapped her shoulder and said "Hey, none of us have partners so do you want to pair up?" In a clear shaky voice, I could tell she knew I was nervous.

Mary's POV
We have to get into pairs for the warm up and I mentally curse the coach for putting me in this uncomfortable position, I didn't like anyone from this team. Just when I thought I would have to do this one alone, someone tapped my shoulder. It was the girl from earlier. Oh my god. I think to myself, I like her the least, at least I think I do. "Hey, none of us have partners so do you want to pair up" She says in a soft voice, clearly nervous.

"Fine" I replied coldly, I immediately noticed that she was very pretty but I instantly shut it down. Shes not pretty. I attempt to convince myself. We find a space and begin. For the warmup Y/n has to attempt to get a goal, with me as goalkeeper, shouldn't be too hard. She positions the ball where needed and takes the kick, luckily for me I am able to save it.

I kick the ball back to her with purposefully more force than needed as I really didn't like her, maybe more force than I had actually expected as it flew like a bullet, forcefully into her nose. She yelled out and fell to the ground clutching her severely bleeding nose. I run over to her instantly regretting what I had done and kneel by her side.
"Y/n, oh my god I'm so sorry" I whisper. She looks up at me and I feel tears prick my eyes as I see how much pain she is in. I had never cared about the way someone felt as much as her right now.

She holds my gaze and looking extremely confused, she mutters, "What is wrong with you" through glossy eyes and my heart shatters at her words.

How could I do this to her?

1414 words! I really enjoyed this one and yes there will be another part!

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