Chloe Kelly - Mistletoe

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Hey everyone, Chloe Kelly was actually requested so I thought I would do a little Christmas special. Wishing you all a late Merry Christmas 🎅

It's finally the Christmas season and my girlfriend and I are planning on spending it in England with her family before going to visit mine. Chloe has just played her last game of the year and I cant lie, I'm relieved.

During the regular football season I hardly get to spend time with my girlfriend, meaning I'm almost always left on my own as she has training every day of the week and a game on the weekend. Of course, I love watching her play but I love spending time with her just as much and I jump at any opportunity to do so.


Today is the first day of our official Christmas holidays and we're planning on spending it decorating our house, getting prepared for Christmas.

The snow has already set in around London and it's bitter cold in the house.

We have just woken up and Chloe notices I'm shivering and wraps her warm hands around my bare waist and digs her head into my neck as I'm sleeping in a sports bra. I immediately sigh with content and relax into her, taking advantage of her body warmth.

"I don't wanna get up" I whine into my pillow, hoping that we could stay in our warm bed a little longer. "You don't have to darling, but I am" she laughs into the crook of my neck. I groan and turn to face her, her bed hair making her look as cute as ever.

I place a soft, gentle kiss to her delicate morning lips and smile. "What was that for" she mutters, a little shocked as I never give her morning kisses. "Just because" I say and wink at her, causing her cheeks to heat up. She truly is a softie.

After a minute or two of us just talking she gets up out of bed and I take hold of her wrist, keeping her from walking any further. "Baby I have to get up" she fakes annoyance at me and I just giggle. 

"Five more minutes, please" I pout and she rolls her eyes, collapsing on top of me. I snake my arms around her waist as a way of keeping her in place. We lay in that position for a good five minutes and decide that we need to get up and make some breakfast.

Chloe allows me to choose what we are having so I decide on pancakes and she does her best to help me in whatever way she can, even if she isn't much help in the kitchen.

Once I've finished cooking and have plated it all, we sit down and eat the food, many compliments leaving Chloe's mouth regarding my cooking abilities.

"So are we going to put up all those decorations today?" Chloe asks me, mouth full of food.

"Yes is that okay?" I make sure.

"Of course darling" She reassures me and smiles.


After we are finished with breakfast and clean everything up  I go into our storage room and attempt to pick up a decently heavy box full of Christmas lights and decorations. Chloe notices I'm struggling and smirks over at me. "A little help here" I say, annoyed.

Still smirking she makes her way to the small storage room and pushes past me slightly to get to the box. She lifts it effortlessly and I just stare at her in disbelief, I didn't think she would be able to lift it. She is a football player after all. I think to myself, feeling stupid.

I follow her out into the lounge room as that box was the last and take a minute to think about what we need to get done first.

Before I know it I feel someone tap my shoulder and I look up, seeing Chloe flexing her biceps at me. I just scoff and walk away from her, not wanting to give in to her teasing.

As I begin to grab out some gold lights from one of the many boxes I see Chloe grab something off the floor that she seems fairly interested in. I don't think anything of it and continue with untangling the lights.

I feel Chloe tap my shoulder yet again and I ignore her as I know she's just going to do something to get a reaction out of me, that was not going to happen. I had to focus on the task at hand, I cant let myself get distracted by my very hot girlfriend.

"Baby" Chloe says, mockingly. I finally give in and look up to see her holding a small amount of mistletoe, in which I am going to use as a decoration. "Look what I found" she says in a sing song tone of voice, looking proud of herself.
"Mistletoe" I sigh

Before she can lift it above our heads I run as fast as I can to the kitchen as if my life depends on it. I'm not fast enough for her however as she grabs a hold of my waist and pulls me into her chest, preventing me from getting away. She quickly turns me around to face her and throws the mistletoe above our heads.

I decide to accept defeat and kiss her with much love and passion, enjoying it a little too much.

Great, now I'm distracted.


907 words! Not very long but I thought it was adorable. I am planning on continuing with the requests so if you have any ideas feel free to PM me, have a lovely day/night xx

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