Chapter 13: Reunion

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Authors Note: For anyone who got to this point while completely reading every chapter before this, thank you for staying so long with this story with slightly sluggish plot. Genuinely. From here on, this story will finally become more oriented to the witches.

14 hours earlier. January 1st, 2043 (April 29th, 1945). St. Petersburg, Russia.

As the clock hit 12:00 and the 31st of December turned to the 1st of January, hundreds of people cheered and fireworks set off. "Happy new year!" They all chanted as some of the more patriotic of the crowd brought out Russian flags and waved them like it was the 4th of July in the US. A few seconds later, a set of fireworks with red, blue, white, and gold set off to represent the colors of the Russian flag.

"The new year. Hopefully this year brings us some good luck for once." The president of Russia, Vladimir Zakharov, said as he stood near the inner windows of the refitted Winter Palace, observing the fireworks as they set off.

As some went off, a sudden ring was heard from his phone, making him sigh. "Right now? This had better not be something minor." Vladimir said as he reached for his phone and took it out. However the only thing he saw was him riding a bear like the second to last president, Vladimir Putin. It was his home screen.

Slightly confused, Vladimir looked to the landline phone on his desk, but there wasn't a light indicating any incoming calls. Finally, Vladimir looked towards the emergency phone on the wall right of him. A red phone that'd not be out of place in the time Joseph Stalin was in power. With some hesitation, Vladimir walked up to the emergency phone on the wall and picked up the call.

"Hello? Is this Vladimir Zakharov?" A man said with distress, specifically the Russian representative to the ON.

"That's me. We're in the middle of New Years, what happened? If some idiot detonated a bomb during this time, you might as well hang up." Vladimir said as he heard heavy breathing from the representative, which made him worry a bit.

"That's not it! This could determine your entire presidency sir! All of our information about the Neuroi World, It got leaked!" The representative said, Vladimir's eyes immediately widened as his military left the New Canterians to do all of the work on clearing Neuroi.

Vladimir grabbed the phone and held it up to his face. "You better not be joking god damn it! I will have you personally executed and replaced if you are!" Vladimir said in a cynical tone, clearly not tolerating the representative if he was joking.

"The information got released at 11:46. By now the entire globe must've heard about it! But that's not all! A few news channels like the Central News Company and the British Broadcasting Network have already started talking about it!" The representative said as Vladimir dropped the phone. He then left the phone hanging and reached for a remote, turning on the TV in his office that hadn't been touched in months. On the TV was the news channel, TASS.

"All of you at home, I hope you're having a good new year because some new and very important news just came up. It seems like the struggles with the Neuroi that we faced after the end of the third world war has not ended, as several leaked documents reveal that there is a wormhole in the North Pole that leads to a world presumably infested by many times the Neuroi we've faced so far."

"These documents also reveal the state of our government and the world as our great nation, has only been able to send a few battalions and a wing-" The news reporter managed to say before Vladimir cut the channel and went back to the emergency phone.

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