𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𓇽

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JJ pov

The boys and Sarah were at the chateau partying and drinking, trying to get JJ's mind off Briella. For the past couple of weeks he has been beating himself up over it. He thinks he is just adding stress to Briella's plate and he is just bad for her, but Pope has been trying to say how it isn't his fault. In reality, he didn't do anything wrong. It was Kie who caused this whole thing, and JJ just had to talk to Briella to sort things out.

Sarah had told John B about what she saw with Rafe, but he didn't think it was smart to tell JJ because he might go and do something that only JJ would think of doing. They are trying to keep him out of trouble, showing him he can solve things without doing anything stupid.

"Guys we need to do this more often"-pope

"Yeah, I've missed this shit. Partying at the beach, drinking and smoking some weed. Man this is that Pogue type shit!"

"Oh, JJ Ur drunk"-jb

"Nah man I'm fine. Pass me another beer"-jj


"You boys need to chill with the beer, we're not going to be able to go on the marsh tomorrow to look at that boat you guys said you found if you're all hungover."-Sarah

"We'll be fine Sarah, don't worry about ok? Here's another beer for the JB's woman!"-JJ

The four were drinking away and having fun. They went in the water for a bit, played some games and they did a whole bunch of crazy shit. JJ managed to climb on the roof, and wouldn't come down until JB went to get him. They were all having a great time until Pope started talking about Briella. He kept on pushing and pushing for JJ to open up.

"Pope, I know I messed up, ok? I miss her, like I really fucking miss her. I miss her smile, her laugh, her shyness, and man I miss being with her. She was so perfect. She was kind, smart, funny and she cared so much about everyone else but herself."-jj

"JJ, don't beat yourself up."-pope

"And didn't you guys see how beautiful she was. Her curled hair, her mix of green and blue eyes, her perfect body. She was so perfect. And I fucking messed it all up. I've only knew her for a month and god I miss her."-jj

"Ok JJ, you're drunk. Let's get go back to the chateau"-jb

"No, I'm good, I'm doing what pope said. Opening up. I even knew her brother JB. Diego and I were getting along. That lil' human is so cool, and I can't even see him anymore. I promised to take him surfing and I can't do that. I—I love her. And I can't do anything about it. I can't tell her, I can't do things with her. I can't do anything."

JJ was starting to cry now, between the drinks and the emotions he was a total mess, worse than usual. John B and Pope were surprised that JJ actually cared about Briella this much, and with the way he was acting they didn't know what to do. JJ refused to talk about the situation for a whole week. Lately, he has acknowledged that it has happened but he never wants to talk about it. Tonight he wasn't holding back, saying everything that was on his mind. The group didn't know what to do.

"JJ, how about we just call it a night" pope

"You guys go ahead, I'm—ill go back to my place. Think about all the shit I've done lately."

"What? JJ are you out of your mind?"-pope

"You can't go home JJ, your dad—"

"It's fine, its what I deserve at this point. I—I messed her up."

"Fuck JJ its not that deep! Just talk to her"

"Pope, just drop it. JJ lets go. You're coming with us."

"No! just let me go man"

JJ started fighting off the boys and trying to get away. He was a mess, and the thought of him going back home was scarring the guys. He was too drunk to make clear decisions. They were just happy he wasn't planning on going to see Briella and do something real stupid.

"Come on JJ, your drunk."-pope

"JB, just tell him about it, maybe it will wake him up." sarah suggested, not wanting to keep the secret from him any longer.

"Sarah you might not even be right, plus he is drunk and not thinking straight"

"He'll see that he can still make things right. I'm not wrong, she isn't happy and he won't let her go. He locked her in that room to make sure she stayed. JJ could help her."

"What? She- she got locked in a room?" JJ questioned, seeming more alert.

"Yes JJ, she was with Rafe. She looked so uncomfortable and I knew she didn't want to be there. Then he locked her in his room and came to yell at me. She was begging him to let her out but he wouldn't until I left. I don't know what happened after, but Rafe was in a mood." sarah explained quickly.

"That doesn't mean we have to go kill Rafe Cameron JJ," Pope clarified, reading his friend's mind before he even suggested the horrible plan.

"What am i supposed to do Sarah? She chose him, she thinks I love Kie" he said, thinking the whole situation was just hopeless.

"She is only hanging out with him because she thinks you don't care about her, but she missed you JJ. She isn't happy. It is so obvious, you just have to look at her to see that. You need to go talk to her, give her a reason to drop Rafe. That saves her from Rafe." she explained, hoping her words would sink through that thick skull of his.

"It's pointless. She wont give me the time of day. Let's go get some weed and smoke before we call it a night" JJ said changing the subject.

The group looked defeated, but they allowed JJ to do whatever he wanted at this point. They had no chance at changing his mind, so he would have to make a decision on his own. The group eventually all made their ways to a couch or a bed to sleep on, and JJ was asleep before he even hit the pillow.

The next morning he woke up with a huge headache but he remembered all the shit that happened last night. Now he was thinking a bit clearer. He realized how bad this situation was, not for him but for Briella. She was hanging out with Rafe, he would destroy her. The worst part was that she was doing that because of him. He would be the reason Brie would get ruined because of Rafe Cameron.

After thinking about the possibilities, he realized something. He knew he had to go talk to Briella, he had to explain everything to her. Even if she wouldn't believe him, he had to try. Like he really had to try because he was a mess without her, and she would become a mess if she spent too much time with a psychopath . He had to give her a chance, try to get her back.

He could just imagine what they would do together if they were back on good terms. The first thing he would do is bring her to his spot for surfing. They could surf all day, without any interruptions or distractions, just them and the waves. Then, he could bring her to the town and buy some weed and the could get high together, or maybe not, that might not be the best idea. But then, after awhile he could go surfing with Diego like he promised. Not breaking his promise to his favorite little human.

He knew what he would have to do, and he would. On Saturday he would go to her Clubhouse, that would give him two days to figure out what he was going to say.

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