Hot Showers. Old Man Alfie. More of the fuckers

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The estate didn't have ridiculous winding stairs or anything like what you'd see in those overly fancy marble houses in movies, but it did have a dark wooden walnut stairwell with lighter walnut balustrades that led to the second floor. The Old man usually hired a lady to come and wax them to keep the look or something like that you zoned out when he tried explaining it. Anyway you were getting towels to dry the "Visitors" off before letting them in.

You came back out with a tall bundle of towels in your arms obscuring your view of the door. You'd also grabbed an ice pack for Ratigan, feeling mildly bad (okay admittedly really awful) for causing him more pain when you realised why he might have expected help getting down. He literally fell to his death and you just yanked him down. That was an admittedly cruel thing to do. There isn't anything you could justify that with, none of them are at fault for your fatigue that was stress and your own anxiety. You get a bit waspish every so often, the villains seriously caught you at a bad time. Speaking of:

"Can someone please open the door! I can't see shit!" You called through the material hoping one of the people on the other side of the door heard you. You waited a beat, then sighed 'They're villains, why on earth would they do anything as lowly as opening a fucking door for someone else GAH!' you reminded yourself before deciding to just dump the damned towels on the ground so you could open the door yourself.

"Useless damn bastAAAHH!" you jolt back when you are met with the curious stare of the alien cyborg not really villain, villain. "What the fuck John!"

"Begging your pardon kid but I do believe you asked for one of us humble evildoers to open the door for you." He spoke plainly with a raised eyebrow, his cybernetic eye assessing the building's interior as his regular one was fixed on you. You felt your face warm with embarrassment (no it didn't go red. You know when your face gets hot when you fuck up? It's like that; you don't necessarily always go pink or red or darker when your face heats up) and you picked up some towels to hand off to Silver.

"Thanks." you mumble averting your eyes as you cross the threshold back outside. 'Okayy so maybe not all of them are inconsiderate assholes. Then again the shadowman and John are probably the exceptions.' you shrug the thought away, handing off towels to the drenched and miserable bastards outside.

Stopping at Ratigan, who sat on the concrete with his back against the cladding of the house, to hand him the ice pack for his nose and a towel which he snatches from your grasp and levels you with a venomous glare. You feel that knot of guilt again lowering your eyes briefly before flicking them back to his face. You take a deep breath before exhaling, gaining the courage to apologise.

"Look, Professor Ratigan, I apologise for doing that to you. I should have realised sooner. I'm just so.. Ugh no there's no justifying that no matter how tired I am. I'm just sorry. I'll do my best to make it up to you. Just accept the ice pack; it's for your face, to ease the swelling." You said humbly using the honorific as a show of respect, not expecting to be forgiven, he didn't owe you anything. You held out the ice pack again, this time he took it with a less sceptical glare the harsh lines on his face eased up, still feeling bad but not as much as you had been without saying anything you walked off; to hand the next person their towel and you missed all the baffled and surprised looks from the villains who'd heard you apologise to Ratigan for being cruel to him. And the contemplative one the professor threw at you when you turned away.

Ursula and Maleficent shared a look of bewilderment and outright confusion at the admission and heartfelt apology you delivered to Ratigan. Both had witnessed you pull the shorter man down by his neck tie and watch him with apathy as his nose smacked the hard stone (still concrete) ground with a crunch. Leaving behind clots of syrupy blood before you helped the next woman off the back of the roaring wheeled contraption. None had cared enough about villains to apologise when they were genuinely the ones in the wrong, except you. A heartfelt apology for something that was most definitely not an accident towards a villainous person was all but unheard of to them. Any of them really. 'Fascinating. Very fascinating.' The Mistress of Evil thought ponderously as you trailed off mindlessly handing out the rest of the towels.

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