caught red-handed

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A/N: contains some smut! MDNI, or please skip the part after the marked red border.

C/W: smut, making out etc.

I try to calm down the thumping in my head, my head aching from panic as I stare at the gossip piece

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I try to calm down the thumping in my head, my head aching from panic as I stare at the gossip piece. I close my eyes, shutting off my phone and throwing my phone onto my bed. I stand up, pacing back and forth in front of the bed.

I was a fool for thinking our relationship wouldn't be caught this early. All of my effort, allthough looking back I probably worried more than I tried to hide our relationship- was in vain. I couldn't have obviously told Virgil I wanted to not even hold hands with him on the streets or not go on that one nice date. His own efforts to keep me out of the media and even the private dinner basically going up in flames.

I sigh out of frustration, gnawing on my lower lip as I try to think of what to do. It was a gossip site- not some relevant news site yet- they didn't have pictures yet- and no names yet. I grab my phone again, putting all of my social media on private already, preparing for the storm- or fucking tornado that could ruin either the upcoming days- if I was lucky in a couple weeks- of my life.

Thinking privatizing wasn't enough, I delete them all off of my phone. I couldn't be prepared enough. Especially not since what happened last time.

Who could've even leaked the fact that we were on a date? Could've been the employees, but from experience of seeing so many "known" people I'd doubt they'd honestly care. It could've been Theo- maybe he'd noticed me anyways- through my idiotic ways of trying to conceal my identity. I rack my brain- thinking of who it could be before giving up and throwing myself onto the King bed.

I lay there, my hands on my head as I try to reason with myself. I had a couple days or weeks to prepare, this could definitely break onto mainstream news when we'd both be back in Liverpool. I wince at the actual thought of having to face the club. I had to look them all in the face after it looked like I came there to get with one of their players?

Although, I knew most of the supporters wouldn't care or be negative about it. But the thought of my face being plastered everywhere again? What would they say about a girl who dated a billionaire heir and a footballer? Back to back. Was it my fault my destiny was designed this way? Would they say I was 'lucky' or that I orchestrated both of these relationships?

I had to face this eventually, but I didn't want to do it now. There were definitely bigger problems in the world than some dating news- but why did have such an effect on me?

I decide to respond back to Priya's message shortly before closing my tabs. If I just ignored it for now- it wouldn't be there- it wouldn't even exist. If I just pretend to not see or know anything it wouldn't happen and pass, like a breeze instead of impending doom.

A text message brings me out of my thoughts. A message from Virgil, letting me know he's leaving his own hotel. I smile to myself, remembering there was something to look out for. I couldn't wait to see him.

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