Chapter 3

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   Lunch at Subway was delicious. I hadn't eaten there for quite some time. I'm on this "getting healthy" kick. So far I have been doing pretty good. I mainly just want to shape up. On the way out the door Sarah got hit on another four times, but turned them down because she had already arranged a date with Zak. She still got their number off course, just in case Zak didn't work out. Once we got to the car and on the road back to my house I was relieved. The wind blowing through my hair and the sun shining, helped to clear my mind. I coudn't hate Sarah, she was my best friend, but guys drooling all over her got old. I took in a deep breath, sat back and relaxed.

    Home sweet home. I was excited to be home and close to the beach. It made me feel at ease. Before putting on my new bikini, I got my beach bag ready. Even though I lived right next to the beach, I didn't want to be constantly walking back and forth. It was my day off from work. I just wanted to put my nose in my book and relax. When I was done getting ready, I walked out into the living room and waited for Sarah. I swear it took her longer to get ready for the beach then it did to pick out her bikini. About 10 minutes later, she was ready. I grabbed two beach towels and  we headed out the door.

    My beach towel is the cutest beach towel in the world. It has a picture of a kitten holding a peace sign. I lay stomach down on my towel, grabbed my book and dove in.

   *Gripping her hips, he pulled her closer. The hot length of his erection pulsed against her belly. Heat exploded through her. Rose gasped before pressing her mouth to his......*

"Hey look out!" he yelled.

  I pulled myself back to reality and looked up as a red frisbee hit me in the temple. Pain shot through my head and then to my eyes. It took me a second to realize that it was a lot brighter than before. Rubbing my temple I looked down and saw my sunglasses in pieces. "Oh my gosh! My sunglasses. Hey maybe you should watch where...." I trailed off as I looked up into his beautiful dark chocolate eyes.

 " I'm so sorry. Brad has bad aim. Are you okay?" he asked concerened.

  His husky voice made my heart skip beats. I was starstruck. His perfect white smile, hair as dark as night, perfectly carved abs and vee shape, leading to his....

" Hello? Are you alright?" he asked again waving his hand in front of my face.

" Ummmm.. yes. I'm sorry," I said trying to get my brain to function.

" I'm really sorry about your sunglasses. Like I said before Brad isn't very athletic. Is there any way I can make it up to you? I could buy you a new pair?"

" No thanks. They were cheap sunglasses anyway," I said trying to tear my eyes away from his.

" No I insist."

  I had totally forgot about my book. At the same time we reached for my book. Our hands touched and a wave of electricity shot through my body. My stomach felt as if I had a swarm of butterflies in it and if I was to talk they would fly right out.

 " My name's Jacob Giddian."

 I just sat there staring at how gorgeous he was. I couldn't believe he was talking to me. I was glad Sarah went to get nachos and see if Zak had shown up. He would have probably been all over her.

" And your name is?"

" Andrea Jenkins"

" Well Andrea Jenkins. It was a pleasure meeting you. Sorry it had to be under these circumstances." He grabbed my hand and pulled out a marker. " Here is my number. You can hit me up later if you aren't doing anything. Maybe we can go to dinner. I owe you."

 "Okay sounds great Jacob Giddian," I said smiling.

" Later," he smiled back. He grabbed his frisbee and was on his way back to his friends. 

I watched him run back to his friends. I noticed he had a tribal tattoo, etched so elegantly in the middle of his shoulder blades. My eyes then fell to the curve of his back, so tan and smooth, leading to his perfectly shaped...

" Hey girl. What are you staring at?" Sarah asked sitting down next to me with Zak by her side.

I practically jumped out of my skin. I didn't tear my gaze from him until he was completely out of sight. "Possibly my boyfriend." I said grinning. Her jaw dropped to the floor and I told her everything. I caught Zak looking at me. His face was filled with anger. When Sarah turned around he was smiling again. What was his deal? I grabbed my book and continued, but I kept rereading the same line. I put down my book and just lay there thinking about Jacob Giddian.


* This is a excert from the book called The Magic Knot by Helen Scott Taylor. This belongs to her!!!

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