Chapter 8

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   We all decided on Waffle House.  Jake wanted to put the top up, but I told him not to worry about it. He gave me his hoodie so I could stay warm. Pulling it over my head I took in a deep breath. I recollected his scent from last night, as a flashback of us almost kissing flooded my eyes. I was pulled back into reality when Jake reached over and rested his hand on my thigh. I smiled. letting the wind flow through my hair.

  The restaraunt wasn't very busy. We grabbed a booth in the back away from everyone. It was 1 in the morning and I noticed that there were a lot of freaky people in here. Sitting at the bar stools were two older gentlemen, screaming at each other about a ball game on the tv.  It looked like they hadn't taken a shower in weeks. My guess is that they were rich at one time and got a divorce and the ex-wife took everything. To the left of them in a booth sat a group of gothic kids. They looked like they were dressed for a funeral. Their faces set to depression, as if they were programmed with any happy emotions. At any moment one of them could have commited suicide. In the booth behind them were a bunch of stoners. They looked deep into a discussion about the government and how everything is a conspiracy. It was crazy how many weirdo and freaks came out at night to eat. I glanced at my menu to see what sounded good. I also kept in mind that I was trying to shape up so I decided to order the grilled chicken salad with Italian dressing. After everyone had ordered we mostly talked about Jake. I was still getting to know him and Sarah wanted to make sure he wasn't some psycho. After what seemed like more than 20 questions, our food arrived and Sarah finally shut up. I loved her like a sister, but sometimes she got a little carried away. My salad was great and very filling. I couldn't even eat the whole thing. I asked our waiter for a to go box. Everyone else was still eating so I scooted closer to Jake. " Are you full already?" he asked staring at my partially eaten salad.

" Yes I had a big lunch today," I said rubbing my belly. He put his fork down and put his arm around my shoulder and whispered in my ear," You want to take a walk on the beach after this?"

I smiled and started giggling. " Yes, I would love to."

  At 2:15 we decided that it was getting late and it was time to go home. I gave Sarah a hug and we said our goodbyes. The ride to my house was very nerve racking. Jake had asked me to take a walk with him on the beach. He wanted to spend more time together, but alone.

   Before we went to the beach I slipped off my shoes and changed into a pair of shorts. I loved dressing up, but I wanted to be comfortable. When I walked into the living room Jake was wearing only a pair of basketball shorts. His skin looked so soft and his muscles so defined. How could someone as gorgeous as him ever like someone like me?

The beach was beautiful in the moonlight. Late at night it was so peaceful. The only thing you heard were the ocean waves crashing onto the shore. Jake laced his fingers with mine. We walked along the water's edge, letting the water glide over our feet. "I'm sorry about Sarah asking so many questions. She does that a lot."

" It just means that she cares about you very much. You are lucky to have a friend like her."

" Yeah, I know and I'm glad I do." I was off in dreamland when I felt a tug on my arm. I looked back and noticed that Jake had stopped." Is there something wrong?" I asked searching his face for an answer.

He smiled, walking over to me and started tickling my sides. I tried running away, but he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back to him. My stomach was starting to ache, I was giggling and laughing very hard. I pushed against his rock hard abs, trying to get away again. He lost his balance and started falling back taking me with him. Our bodies entangling as we fell down into the soft white sand. He landed on his back, as I landed on top of him.  We laughed and laughed and then our eyes met. I blushed, while staring into his eyes. He placed his hands on my cheeks and pulled me into his lips. His soft luscious lips against mine sent waves of electricity through my body. He pushed hard against my lips wanting more. I pushed even harder. Our breathing grew heavy, as he ran his hands along my body. I shivered as he touched me. Heat forming deep inside me as I craved for more than his lips. I felt his hard cock against my stomach. I rolled off to his side as he rolled over top of me. Our lips only apart for seconds. Running his hands along my legs, made goosebumps follow. He pulled away averting my eyes." I'm so sorry, I got carried away," he said sitting up putting his hands on his knees staring out to the ocean. We sat in silence for what felt like ages. " I have something to tell you Andi," he said turning to look at me. Oh no! I knew this was too good to be true. Heart get ready for heartache and devastation. He grabbed me hand and stared deep into my eyes. I braced myself. " Andi, I am falling in love with you. The past couple of days I haven't been able to sleep. I just can't seem to get you off my mind. I can't fight these feelings anymore. I know you don't know me that well, but I feel like I have known you all my life. I want you to be in my life everyday. Will you be my girlfriend.?" he asked.

   My heart almost exploded out of my chest as I took in his words. " Jake I feel the same and I would love to be your girlfriend," I said filled with so much happiness I felt like crying. He put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me into his soft lips, kissing me one last time. " Well... I better get home. It's getting late," he said softly.

We walked back to the house hand in hand." Goodnight Andi bear," he said kissing me on the forehead.

"Goodnight Jakie." He got in his car and drove away. When the car was out of sight I closed the front door and locked it. Leaning against the door I closed my eyes, memorizing all the details off the night. While I was walking to my bedroom I felt as light as a feather. I climbed into bed and fell into a dreamy sleep.

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