Chapter 6

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  I awoke to the sound of my alarm. Rolling over I hit the snooze button and lay back down. Today should have been like any other day . Get up at 6am, take a shower, grab some breakfast on my way to school and then off to work at noon. Except for the fact that I had the most perfect night with Jacob. After telling my dad about everything I said goodnight and came home. I locked the doors, turned off the lights and went to get ready for bed. The whole time thinking of how we had almost kissed and how gorgeous he looked in the moonlight. I got into bed, turned off the lamp and lay there staring at the ceiling. I couldn't wait to tell Sarah what had happened.  She would be so excited. I tried multiple times to just close my eyes to sleep, but I didn't want to forget this night. I finally drifted off to sleep about 3:30 this morning. Hearing my alarm clock again, I rolled over, turned it off and got up. I grabbed my phone on the way to the shower and noticed that I had a text message. "Good morning sunshine. Hope you slept well. Jake." Getting that message meant everything last night wasn't a dream. It really happened. "Good morning. Hope I get to see you today." I text back.

   Taking a hot shower in the morning always wakes me up and today I really needed it. On the way to school I stopped at McDonalds. I usually get a sauage egg and cheese combo with a coke, but since I was trying to eat better I got an orange juice and some oatmeal instead. Since I was running a little late today,  I decided to get my food to go.

      At school it was very difficult to focus. I kept getting in trouble for not paying attention. One of my professors called on me. Of course I was in Jacob dreamland. The girl beside me poked me with her pencil. I looked at her and she pointed to the professor, who was standing in front of my desk. I had been doodleing little hearts and flowers around Jacob's name. Knowing everyone in the classroom was staring at me, I closed my notebook. My face was beat red from embarassment. When the bell rang I bolted out of that class. In another class I had fallen asleep and when the professor slapped her ruler on the desk I blurted out kiss me Jacob. The classroom erupted with laughter. Yet again I was embarassed and all because I couldn't get him off my mind. Finally the school day was over. I practically ran to my car keeping my gaze down so that I didn't have to see people laughing at me. I just wanted to get out of here. I wanted to be in the library where it was quiet and I could think straight. While I was putting the car in drive, my phone started ringing. Sarah always called me when I go out of school and I was really needing to talk to her. "Hey girl. We have got to talk," I blurted out.

" Didn't know I turned into a girl overnight," he said chuckling.

My heart stopped and my mouth dropped open. "I'm so sorry. I thought you were Sarah. She always calls me when I get out of school. "

"It's okay. I was wondering if you wanted to go to the drive in tonight? They are playing the Twilight Saga."

"I have been wanting to see those movies. I would love to go. What time do you want to pick me up?" I asked nervously.

" How about seven?"

"Seven sounds good. I will see you then," I replied back smoothly. Inside my heart was doing backflips and the hustle.

"Alright I will see you at seven. Later."

 I hung up the phone and headed to work. Working at the library was a slow job, but today it seemed to drag on. I wanted to close early, but knew I would probably lose my job. By closing time the only thing I had left to do was finish putting up some books. Just as I was about to turn the lights out someone walked in. "I'm sorry the library is closing. Do you mind coming back tomorrow?" I asked turing around to see who it was. There stood Zak.

"Hi Zak. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I just needed to return my book. It would have been late if I put it in the box outside."

"I already have the computers turned off, but I will take your book and fix it your late fee tomorrow. "

"Thanks, he said handing me his book. Hey do you and Sarah have any plans tonight?"

"I haven't talked to Sarah today, but if you don't mind I have plans tonight and I'm going to be late if I don't leave right now," I replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Have a good night." He turned and walked out the front doors. As soon as he was out I locked the doors behind him. I don't see why he didn't call Sarah instead of always talking to me. I finished locking up, grabbed my stuff and walked out the door. On the way to the car some movement to my right caught my eye. When I looked, there was nothing there. It freaked me so I quickly walked to my car. As soon as I got into my car I looked the doors, put the key in the ignition and took off. Maybe it was some kind of animal, or some kids just playing a prank. I swore that I seen someone watching me, but who?

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