Chapter 1

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Elena Gilbert is an ordinary girl, dating a not so ordinary boy, Damon Salvatore, the vampire brother of  her ex-boyfriend, Stefan Salvatore. Elena's brother, Jeremy Gilbert is a troubled teen due to the recent passing of both their parents in a car accident. The pair now live with their distant uncle, Alaric Saltzman, who also happens to be their history teacher. If Elena thought that her life just couldn't get more difficult, then she's indubitably wrong. Because she is soon to find out that even her closest friends might just turn out to be her worst enemy.

Elena's POV
I wake up to the sweet songs of chirping birds, mockingbirds to be exact. I've had lots of time to roam around the house and notice the details of everyday life because my parents just died and apparently that's a reason for me to be able to stay at home for an entire year. Yes, I am an orphan. Kind of. Because I stay with Jeremy, my brother, and Alaric, or Ric, our peculiar distant uncle. Ever since the brutal car accident I was in with my parents, I have never felt more alone. Yes, I have many people that care about me like my best friend Bonnie, and my friend Caroline, but all their words of how sorry they are just fails to convince me that it will be okay one day. All their words get drowned out with the indistinct chatter I have in my mind 24/7.  Given that my mind is such a piece of garbage nowadays, I have decided to take up the habit of writing in a diary. I know. Totally lame. But it helps, I feel like I can finally talk to someone who will never spill any of my secrets and just listen.

At exactly 7:30am, Caroline, who lives 2 blocks from my house came in her new bright red Volkswagen Polo car she just got as a birthday present. We hugged for an eternity as Caroline was so worried about me and my feelings after the car accident we were in, and I told her that everything is fine. That I feel much better. But it's not fine, and nothing is better. If anything, it's worse. 

The car ride to school was quiet. Neither of us knew what to say, it feels like we've been so distant during the time I was away from school. I realised that Caroline and I haven't made a single call to one another in the past three months, and a sinking feeling of guilt built up in my heart as a constant reminder that I didn't call or text her, but I did with Bonnie every week. I've always been closer with Bonnie than Caroline, not that she's not nice or anything, Bonnie and I have just had this connection since the day we met. There were topics we could discuss for hours without intention. I always felt more free around Bonnie and could talk without thinking about what to say. However, with Caroline, I can never find the right thing to say. I could never really start a conversation with her because we either didn't know what each other was talking about, or the topic was too random and seemed absolutely absurd. Now that my parents have died and in the past year, everyone has been so worried about me, suddenly, it all stopped, as if their deaths aren't an excuse for getting out of school anymore, or that their deaths aren't relevant anymore. Everyone expects me to be back to the innocent girl I once was, but I'm not, and I will never be the same again. Today was the day when I finally felt how Caroline must have felt in our friend group. Still part of the group, still friends, but never best friends with either Bonnie, nor me. Just like how people still care about me and acknowledges my parents' deaths, but don't really care at the same time. Today, was the first time I truely understood Caroline's loneliness in our friend group. I feel bad and want to apologise, but there's nothing really to apologise for. I mean, what would I even say? That I'm sorry she's got Bonnie and me as her friends but not besties? It doesn't even make the slightest sense.

I guess my contemplation of this whole friend group situation and its connection with me and my parents was so deep that it took the whole time to get from home to school because the halt of the car broke my train of thoughts and then came the familiar sight of Mystic Falls High School. Everything was the same, the benches where girls watched the boys play rugby, the trees where we would sit under and have lunch, the front door to the school, and... Damon?! What is he doing here?! He's 170 some years, and I thought he didn't believe in high school and the American education system...

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