Chapter Two: The Meeting

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The council meeting held by Etaria's most powerful magical families began every day at precisely 1300. There the ministers discussed various political topics and military strategies. The meeting was never in the morning as they were busy and important people who needed to tend to regional and family matters first before considering the kingdom's affairs.

As Egnard was a king with pride in his family and their closeness, he encouraged all ministers to form strong familial ties to those in their lands and treat them with respect as they would their own kin. This was the main reason Etaria had been so profitable and blessed. All who lived in the kingdom felt as though they were part of one big family.

When Adelina entered the meeting, it was nearly over. She knew the last item on the list would be bringing forth new business for council approval. She stood in the middle of the large hall a pleaded her case. Many ministers were weary that it may already be too late to take action. After all, no one knew how many were already potentially exposed to this rare unknown disease.

Adelina's words drew their attention as she spoke. "I propose to personally lead a team to the small village by Mount Igneous and locate the source of the disease. We can't risk others becoming exposed and spreading it. Having already been exposed for helping evaluate the patient, it makes the most sense I should do it."

The hall quickly burst into an uproar. The ministers were enraged and it because as loud as a sports arena.

"Already exposed?" One shouted.

"Is she trying to expose us too?!" Another cried out.

"Insolent child! How could you have been so careless?" One pointed at her.

Upon hearing the comments Egnard calmly stood up, took a deep breath, and snapped. The snap rippled through the call and reverberated off the walls. Suddenly everyone held their breath, as the hall fell deadly silent. No one looked more serious than the king.

"Adelina is my daughter, and she has presented the case. She has never acted out of carelessness. She merely wanted to help someone in need. Acting out of concern, she would have done the same had it been anyone else, even those in this room. No one is more concerned that she's been exposed than me, but I don't see any of you offering to be in her position. If you reject the proposal, do so based on the facts. Then begin your counter proposal." Egnard then sat back down and waited.

"Sir, won't sending a team with her, expose them?" councilwoman Noah inquired.

Egnard looked at Adelina and motioned for her to respond. She gave him a small nod and explained.

"The team is comprised of the two guards that assisted me this morning and myself. All of us have already been exposed."

Murmurs began to circulate. "She did consider it. She's not being careless at all."

"What about night patrols? Won't they suffer at the loss of staffing?" councilman Waylen asked.

A few other ministers nodded in agreement thinking it would weaken the kingdom's defenses.

"The two selected were already scheduled to be off duty for the next two weeks. As for myself, I have arranged a suitable replacement in my absence. Beatrix will be more than capable of stepping up."

"I think we've heard enough and should get on with the voting. I approve." councilman Auden raised his paddle in favor of her motion.

Others nodded and soon more raised theirs in her favor too. As if creating a wave, all present had lifted their paddles in support of Adelina's proposal. Only Noah and Waylen were against it.

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