Chapter Six: Strategies

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The group spent the rest of the day cleaning up the suite and cataloging the samples before storing them in a safe container. Although the containers appeared small and lightweight, they had the capacity to hold thousands of specimens. Given that they needed to safeguard the evidence they took no chances in throwing anything away. The containers had the appearance of a long cylinder capsule that opened from twisting the top 90 degrees counterclockwise. It was tightly sealed with a magical ring located near the top.

"Is that everything?" Rose said breathlessly.

Phillip shouted, "nothing left over in my area. Adelina?"

"Nothing in the kitchen either." She said while making her way to the others.

"Great! Who's hungry? I am!" Rose exclaimed.

Adelina and Phillip began to laugh and shake their heads.

"That's our Rose." Phillip said.

"Good one, Rose. I assume by your statement you have a place in mind?" Adelina gestured towards the door.

"You guys won't regret it. I promise!" Rose beamed with excitement.

She led her friends down the main market street and turned into a narrow alley. It was barely wide enough for one person to go through, but they all made it. Having grown up there, Rose knew all the local treasures. They came out in front of a hidden tavern with lively music. She looked back at her friends' expressions.

"Isn't this great?" Rose said enthusiastically.

"This is awesome!" Phillip cried.

Adelina had never been in such a lively place without the need to be formal and courteous. She was used to parties and balls having to attend as part of her royal duties. Her eyes were wide and her body stiff. For the first time, she didn't know what to do. Military strategies, agricultural planning, proposing kingdom policies, and discussing politics all seemed like something easy to her. She could handle the meetings and hours of research, no problem. This, however, was beyond her. It was outright chaos.

"Come on Addy, they have the best syrniki here!" Rose called out to her.

"Do they have pirozhki too?" Phillip asked.

"Yep, they do!" Rose let out a squeal before pulling Adelina by the arm and dragging her inside.

"I'm going to have some borscht too. What about you Addy?" Rose asked, trying to comfort her shocked friend.

"Kasha is fine, thanks." She replied.

"Kasha is so boring; don't you want to try something else?" Rose probed.

"No, no. Kasha is healthy and nutritious. Besides we have other things to worry about." Adelina shot back.

A defeated Rose looked at her with sad pouting eyes. Her intent to bring them here was to have Adelina relax a bit. She knew her friend well and if she had told them where they were going, Adelina would have turned her down. Rose was worried Addy didn't know how to relax or have fun. She was determined to teach her.

Adelina and Phillip sat in a corner booth while Rose went to put in their order. Phillip watched Adelina stare at the table with her head in her hands. He wondered if she was just uncomfortable or if she was troubled by the results from earlier.

"You know Rose, she trying to have as much fun as she can. Don't let it bother you too much. We can head back after our meal; it won't take more than 30 minutes." Phillip said reassuringly.

Adelina was now aware of how she must have appeared. She sat up and smiled at Phillip. He had a point; it was just a meal and she'd be back in their suite. She could indulge Rose a little and still get work done. They needed to strategize what to do next.

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