6: more trouble

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Pete comes through the gate after the 3 hours have passed, he sees Vegas sititng there but he was asleep..

Pete kneeled down and wakes him up. Vegas? You didn't wait here for three hours did you? Vegas lies and said that he did what Pete told him to do but he actually waited 3 hours at the gate.

Pete hugs him and they stand up, Vegas is weak so Pete helped him to his car, he lets him sit at the front and then closed his door then went to sit behind the steering wheel.

Vegas looks at him and Pete starts the car.

~at KinnPorsche~

Porsche: Here. He feeds Kinn a snack from out of his bag and puts it in his mouth, they were sitting on his bed on their phones not knowing what to do.

Porsche: Where's your parents? He asked him out if nowhere because he was curious.

Kinn: At work..if you want to we can... He leans in for a kiss and Porsche stops him while putting his hand on his lips.

Porsche: I don't like it at day... kinn nods and went to lay down on his bed, Porsche looks at him and then sees he has his belly sticking out.

He smiles and Porsche grabbed his shirt and covered his belly, Kinn grabs his hand and put it on his crotch flustering him.

Kinn: Can you feel my heart? He says as a joke while pronouncing it as "hard", Porsche quickly removes his hands and they both laugh.

Kinn: Come on lay on your stomach. He tells Porsche, he is very confused but he does as what's he's told and went to lay on the bed on his stomach.

Kinn gets on his butt and started massaging his shoulders and arms, Porsche loves it and almost falls asleep.

Porsche: You're so good at this. He relaxes himself and slowly falls asleep, Kinn notices and then slowly placed him properly in his bed.

Kinn went to sit next to him and played a little on his phone before also resting a little..

~after resting~

Porsche crawls on Kinn and then rests his head on his chest, he sighs and waits until he wakes up. He sees 2 hours has passed already and hears the doors open.

Kinn's mom quietly comes in his room scaring Porsche and waking up Kinn.

Sorry i didn't know you were here Porsche. Kinn yawns and stretches out, he's suprised seeing Porsche is sitting on him but then he gets scared by his mom standing there.

Kinn: Mom! You scared me! She laughs and shows she has a present for Kinn, Porsche gets off him and Kinn changed his posture to sit straight.

Porsche: What's in it mom? She's suprised that Porsche called her mom and she smiles at him.

Open it Kinn. Kinn opens the present on his lap and sees that there's a box with a nee ring inside, a ring he always wanted.

Kinn: Thank you so much mom! He hugs her waist and she patted her head while they both smile, Porsche stares at them and Kinn pulled him in for a hug also.

that's so nice of you Kinn! I remember you guys fighting all the time when you were little! She laughs and then later she leaves the room, Kinn takes the ring and kissed Porsche's hand.

He puts the ring on his finger instead of his own, the ring was actually never for him because he already owned one but since it's expensive it was hard to buy a second one.

Porsche: Kinn... what about you? He asked. Kinn grabbed the same ring from out of his drawer and he puts it on then showing it to him with a smile.

My Friend And Enemy Love Me.. // KinnPorscheWhere stories live. Discover now