9: happy new year!

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Only a few people were there and most of the cats were sleeping, the lady came back to their table.

It's coming right up. They nod and Kinn stopped her, she turns around and stares at him.

Kinn: Is it normally so empty here? She shakes her head.

Well it's almost new year so most of the people are at home celebrating Christmas. She explained to them.

Kinn: You look very cute. he wants to be nice and complemented her, she starts blushing and put her hair behind her , Porsche is giving him a death stare.

Thank you! You are very handsome. She complemented him back, she's still inlove with him and understands that she can't have him so she went back to let the two be alone.

Porsche: Seriously? Cute? You never said that to me. He sulked while crossing his arms.

Kinn: That's not true! I did tell you, and i think you are cute every day, even when you're mad! Porsche kept sulking.

Porsche: I don't believe you! Kinn grabs his chin and placed a kiss on his lips.

Kinn: Keep sulking like that and I'll kiss you until i stop finding you cute. Porsche stopped sulking and started at him.

Porsche: You can't! I'll never be stopping at being cute! He confidently said.

Kinn: And don't worry about me complementing people, they don't get to hear it every day like you. He went back to sit in his chair, their order was ready and being brought to their table.

Enjoy! She says while staring and smiling at Kinn the most. Porsche looks at his milkshake and cake and his appetite was suddenly gone.

Kinn: Eat up baby. He shakes his head, Kinn is worried and he went to sit next to Porsche, he grabs the fork and fed him cake. She isn't even my type. Porsche give him another death stare.

Porsche: You probably fuck everyone. They forgot that Oreo was still on his lap, the cat jumps off and ran way.

Kinn: I don't fuck anyone but you. He feeds him another piece of cake while holding his other hand under it so it doesn't fall.

Porsche tries to talk but every time he tries to then Kinn put another fork with cake in his mouth.

Porsche: Liar! He mumbled. There's no way you didn't have a lover before me, the way you do it is too experienced! He screamed while the cake flew out of his mouth, people were leaving the cafe and Porsche looks innocent like nothing happened.

Kinn: okay i did have one girlfriend, but that's when i realized i dont like woman after we did it.. Porsche points to him.

Porsche: HA! i knew it! Kinn scooted closer to him.

Kinn: Did you fuck anyone before? Or got fucked? He quietly asked him so nobody hears them.

Porsche: I fucked some girls, but i never got fucked before, you're the first. He says with a smile.

Kinn: See? Why be sad when we both did it with someone else. Porsche holds Kinn's hand under the table.

Porsche: Because you're special, and when we were little i was jealous when i saw you with girls. He places his head on his shoulder and caressed his hand with his thumb.

Porsche then continued to eat his cake, Kinn grabbed his coffee and put it at where he's sitting now, he wants to stay close to him so he doesn't get sad or jealous.

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