10: happy end !

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The letter has a unknown name on it, it was a woman's name, he opens the envelope and reads what's on it.

"Hey Vegas, my grand son has been asking for you lately, he wants to give you another chance, he hopes youve changed, he's very shy and stubborn to write to you himself, he gave me your address and asked me to write you. Pete misses you, please come visit him again some day." [address]


Vegas smiles and tears flow down his cheeks, he wipes them away but they kept coming and coming, they're his first happy tears in his whole life..

He grabs his car keys and directly went to the adress, it was a 30 minute drive but he didn't mind, he just wanted to see Pete again.

When he arrived, he saw his grandma in her garden reading a book, she greets him with a big smile and hug.

I'm so glad you saw the letter and came. She says. She grabs his hand and guided him in the house, she shows her everything and he gets greeted by cats swarming around them.

Vegas: Where is he? He asks her while petting one of the cats, she grabs his hand again and they quietly went upstairs, they stand infront of his door and she puts her finger on her mouth while opening the door.

They tiptoe inside and Vegas can't believe his eyes when he sees Pete sleeping, he quietly went to sit on his knees to stare at him. He puts his hand on his cheek waking him up.

Pete slowly opens his eyes and directly went in for a hug even kissing him on the lips.

Pete: I'm so sorry i left you. He cries as he grabs him even tighter.

Vegas: I'm sorry too. He cries with him and grabbed his cheeks with both his hands, his grandma left the room to give them some privacy.

Vegas kisses him and they closed their eyes, the kiss turned into a long passionate kiss~ end of VegasPete.


Porsche his eyes are being closed by Kinn his hands, he's being led to somewhere, Porsche is very curious, he tries to peek through his fingers.

Kinn notices and closed his fingers more while they giggle.

Kinn: Porsche don't peek!

Porsche: I won't i won't! He says while giggling and shaking his head.

Kinn: Open your eyes and turn around. Porsche does as he's told, he sees their whole room is covered with candles and fairy lights, his mouth automatically opened as he looks around.

Kinn: And i'm not done yet. He takes Porsche's hand and placed a tiny note inside. Read it. Porsche takes it and opened the tiny note, it was so tiny that it was hard to read so he squinted his eyes.

It was all Kinn's plan to make him struggle so he had enough time to take flowers and a tiny box.

Porsche: Marry me?.. he reads, he looks at Kinn and Kinn already went on his knee with the flowers, he gives him the flowers and then opens the box revealing the ring.

Porsche stared in shock and fell on his knees then crawled to him for a hug.

Porsche: WERE GOING TO MARRY? WERE GOING TO NEW YORK? YES. YES I WILL. He grabbed his face and pushed their lips together, Kinn's eyes widened as they fell over.

Kinn: Babe! The flowers! Porsche looks down as he realizes he smudged them a little. He nervously laughs and stands up to put the flowers on the drawer.

Porsche : Let me kiss your whole body! He said with a groan and going in for another hug, Porsche's skin was hot because he was blushing like crazy while Kinn's skin was very cold.

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