8: eating! Or in another way?

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Kinn: My baby. He mumbled, Porsche noticed that he's still asleep and then knew he's sleep talking..

Porsche: Kinn! He tries to squeeze himself out but then Kinn squeezed him harder making him not being able to breathe.

Porsche shakes him roughly aaking him up, Kinn slowly opens his eyes and sees he's almost squeezing him to death, he quickly releases him and Porsche sighs from relief.

Finally! Porsche says, he gets out of bed, it was about 2 AM and Kinn just stared at him as he put the lights on and went out of his room, he comes back later with some drinks and food for them.

Porsche: Oi! I also forgot about this, niii! He grabs the plate from his dresser that his mom gave them and put it on the blanket between him and Kinn.

Porsche: No lessons tomorrow anyway. He smiles as he puts the snacks in his mouth, he points to it because he saw Kinn is hesitating to grab something.

Porsche grabs his hand and made him take a cookie.

Porsche: Now eat! Kinn sulks while staring at Porsche's bare chest, he notices and then covers his chest. Not eat me! Eat the food! He jokingly said. Kinn quickly eats it and then went for his chest with his hand.

Kinn: Want to eat this too. He says with a giggle, Porsche shakes his head and pushed away his hand.

Porsche: I wanted you to suck mine but you didn't want to! Kinn rolled his eyes.

Kinn: I'm not a bottom, i don't suck dick. He crosses his arms.

Porsche: You liar! You were licking it first! Porsche became annoyed with him.

Kinn: Licking is not the same as sucking. He said confidently while sticking his tongue out to tease Porsche.

Porsche: Tops can suck dick right ? I saw it once! Kinn his eyes widened and he began laughing.

Kinn: Where did you see it? He says with a laugh.

Porsche: On porn hub! He proudly says while crossing his arms, Kinn sighs from relief.

Kinn: I thought you ment you saw people do it in real life. Porsche nervously scratched his head while laughing.

Porsche: Why watch people when i have you? Kinn stared at him and then went on top of him pinning him down.

Kinn: Quit playing with me. Porsche grinned and then put his arms around him then giving him a peck on his cheek.

Be careful, you'll drop the stuff. Porsche says, Kinn looks behind him and sees he almost kicked off the plate with the food and drinks, he stands up and grabs it then placed it on his dresser.

Kinn: NOW COME HERE! He jumps and attacks him like a tiger, Porsche shushes him with his finger, Kinn bites on it and Porsche slapped him because he freaked out.

Porsche: Sorry. Kinn smiles and attacks his mouth, he bites on Porsche's bottom lip until it started bleeding, suprisingly Porsche didn't mind, he wanted more so he grope Kinn's hair tightly until his hair stood up on itself.

Kinn: You sexy motherfucker- He said between the kiss while saliva connected them, their tongues intertwined with eachother and they began sweating.

Kinn lowers his head and starts licking Porsche's nipple while squeezing the other one. They let out moans and then Porsche stopped Kinn.

Porsche: I want to stop before we have sex again. Kinn nods, it was became an akward silence and they don't know what to say to eachother.

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