character info

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Name : Y/N Haitani

Age : 14

Siblings : Ran and Rindo

Personality : 

Y/N look pretty nice at first glance, but don't be fooled, because she can hide really well her true emotions (like Ran taught her), but in reality, she like fighting and can be a little sadistic (like her brothers). And she can be quite unpredictable.

Fighting style : 

Both her brother taught her how to fight, so it's a mix between both of them. She know how to dislocate and break bones and is very flexible, (Rindo taught her well😌). And Ran taught her how to kick and punch. He also offered her a baton similar to his on her birthday.  

appearance : 

Y/N has blond hair, but she dyed the back in black (like Ran) and some tips in front light blue (like Rin) to match with her brothers. And she tie them in 2 braids. Her eyes are purple.

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Backstory : Y/N is the 3rd born in the family, she has 2 older brother. Rindo is 2 years older than her, and Ran, the oldest, is older by 3 years. And they all care and love each other very much.

Their mom left when they were young so Y/N doesn't really remember her. But that means it makes her the only girl in the family, which her father didn't like. He consider Y/N weak and that lead to him hitting her often to 'discipline her'. But her brothers always tried to protect her, so they one day had the idea to teach her how to fight. 

But at the age of 10, her father sent her away to separate Y/N from Ran and Rin because he thought her brothers were a bad influence on her. So she was forced to leave and had to go to their grandparent's house, who was very, very far from their home in a small village. And during that time they ( Ran, Rin and y/n) couldn't communicate with each other, so she hasn't heard from them for 4 years. She tried many time to leave to find her brothers but her gp would always stop her.

Then when she was 11 years old, she heard some people talking about a 'hunter exam' and after some quick research she became interested because, 1 : she heard she could fight, 2 : it could make her become stronger, and 3 : it could alow her to travel anywhere so she could find a way to find back her brothers. 

So for 2 years straight, she trained herself really hard to improve her strength, stamina, speed..... 

She also learned how to handle knives, her baton, and some other weapons.

So she is now 14. 

But 8 months before the hunter exam, she met 'someone special' who she became friend with,  and which after hearing she wanted to go to the Hunter exam and saw how determined she was, he decided to teach her nen, and taught her the basis she needed to know.  (So she know nen, but she's still a beginner and can use it a little, but not perfectly)

(also i don't really know for now which type of nen user she should be 😅)

Her 'special (and only) friend' :

Name : Taiga       

Gender : boy 

Age : 24

Appearance : he's pretty tall, has mid-long white hair who almost reach his shoulders, and grey/teal eyes.

He's been a 'treasure hunter' for 4 years. 

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Love Interest : 

- Gon

- Killua

- Kurapika

- ?????            (secret for now 😏 , try to guess who's the 4th guy)      {if you find him you are really smart}       [and a little hint is that he might not be a HxH character]

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