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Hello everyone, Welcome to a new Fanfic, i hope you'll like it. 

Also, just a reminder that, you (the reader) will have a similar personality to Ran Haitani (from Tokyo revengers). and in this story you are their (Ran and Rindo) little sister. 

And the fanfic take place in Hunter x Hunter. (as you can see by the title)

Now we can start, good lecture 🙂 . 

-- = talking 

"" = thinking 

** = actions 


3rd pov : 

In a small village, far from any city. Everything seemed peaceful, the villagers were seen walking around or talking between each other like any basic day. 

However, it may not be the case for everyone.... 

because, in some part of the village, there appear to be some agitation inside the alleys. A group of 7 guys seemed to be running around.... or more like chasing someone.... 

- Haha, we finally cornered you, you little bitch !       A guy who seemed to be in his 17th, and seemed like the little leader of the group said

Because after an intense chase in the sreets, the group of boys finally managed to 'trap' the girl they were after in an alley, away from everyone else. 

- aw~ look like you guys finally managed to trap me.       The girl said, smiling. 

it might have looked that the group of guys had trapped her. However, it was infact the opposite.... they were the ones who were in a bad situation. 

The guys watched the girl reach something in her back. so the leader ordered one of his guy to go take the girl. But the guy stopped when he saw the girl pulled out a bat. 

And it was at this moment that they regreted it. Because the girl ran toward them and beat up all the guys. 

--10min later--

- hey~ come on now, are you all really that weak~.   she said with a smug grin on her face as she looked at all of them, who half were unconscious, and the rest were unable to move and scared.

- y-you're a fucking psycho !     the leader yelled 

- *chuckle* it's your own fault for falling in my trap. You were just to dumb Osanai.    She said to the leader, as she walked toward him. 

She stopped in front of him and grabbed him by the arm, pulling him up. 

- w-what are you doing, y-you bitch !     he yelled at her and stuttered, scared 

- bad answer~.     she said smiling. But not a friendly one. 

She smiled sadistically, and in a swift motion..... she broke his arm

- AAARGH !     he yelled in pain

she pushed him on the floor, and after taking one last glance at her mess. she left the scene.

as she was walking away, she heard someone chuckle 

- heh, what a mess here. You're really fucking sadistic huh Y/N.      Someone said 

- oh Taiga it's you.    She said 

Taiga is Y/N's only friend, but also her mentor/trainer. He is a pretty tall, handsom man, with white hair and grey/teal eyes. 

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- *sigh* so why did you do that for this time ?    he asked

- it was their fault for not paying me back what they owed me. So i stole their money. But then those dumbass started chasing after me.       Y/N said 

- Hehe, typical you.      Taiga said laughing a little 

- let's go back now, i'm hungry.      Y/N said 

- yeah, let's go.     Taiga replied

So Y/N and Taiga started to head back to Taiga's house to eat. 

--15min later--

once they arrived they started to eat and talk about things. And then came up the topic about the Hunter exam. 

- hey, you know the Hunter exam is in 1 week right ? are you nervous ?     Taiga asked 

- not really honestly. Because i learned and improved a lot. So i'm rather exited about it, because it'll be a new adventure. And i'll also have a chance to find my brothers.    Y/N replied 

(a little reminder just in case/or if you forgot, but Y/N and her brothers have been separated 4 years ago, and she never heard nor had any news of them ever since. So she's hoping that by having a hunter licence, she could be able to travel anywhere easly so she can find them.) 

- okay good.     responded Taiga

- also, there's something i didn't tell you about yet, but i'll be the one to take you to the exam.

- really ?!     Y/N exclamed 

- yes, i was asked this year again to take the rookies there.    Taiga said 

- awesome i can't wait !      she said exited 

To Be Continued   

Hunter X Hunter X Haitani     (F Haitani reader x HxH)Where stories live. Discover now