chapter 1 : Day x Of x Exam

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hello everyone, welcome back for a new chapter, i hope you'll like it  😁 

-- = talking

"" = thinking

** = action

little recap : 

in the prolog, Y/N's friend Taiga revealed to her that he was an examinator and had to take the rookies to the exam. so he told her to meet her the day of the exam to pass a test and take her there.  (Kinda like the captain who took Gon and his friend by the boat)   ( exept that i invented the 'test' they are gonna do)


Y/N pov : 

Finally ! today was the day of the Hunter Exam ! and of course, i'm so exited. 

i sneaked out of the house to go to the place Taiga had said to meet. 

--20min later--

i arrived at the destination, it was some sort of field,and some people were already here, i'd say about 20. And the first thing that i noticed, was the large airplane behind Taiga. 

after waiting for 10 more min for people, Taiga finally started to explain what we were gonna do. 

- Okay. listen up everyone !      he said, and almost instantly everyoneone turned to him

- My name is Taiga, and i'm the one who will take you to the Hunter Exam.      he introduced himself 

- So i'll start by asking this right away. if someone can't stand being on a plane, then back out now till you have the chance.        he said,

i looked around and it seemed that none of us here backed out.  ( and btw they are 30 people)

- well, nice. let's go then.      Taiga said and went in the plane, soon folowed by everyone 

--inside the plane--     (also sorry if the idea of the "test'' for the exam is bad 😅, i invented it all)

- okay, so we'll be passing above the city were the exam is held. it's the city of Zaban, and we'll be here in about 2h, something like that .      Taiga said, as the plane started to fly 

so everyone started to find a sit and relax.

- "if i didn't know him any better, i think i could have belived what he just said and relaxed like the others...."    i said eyeing the inside of the plane

- " i'm sure he planned something else. After all it's supposed to be for the Hunter Exam"

- i'm sure it's going to be so easy.     one guy said 

- "oh no, i don't think so..."         i thought 

- yeah we just have to wait for 2 hours.     another guy said

- " i don't think it's going to be 2's going to be way less time."     because since the plane started to fly, i noticed that the speed was incrasing

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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