Chapter 10: A Dangerous Proposition

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Y/N stood in the lavish but dimly lit room of RM's mansion, her heart pounding in her chest. She had been blindfolded and taken against her will, and now she faced the ruthless mafia boss who was intent on using her as leverage against Jin and Jimin.

RM, a cold and calculating figure, took a step closer, his eyes locked on Y/N. "You're a valuable pawn in this game, Y/N. I have something that your precious Jin and Jimin want, and I'm willing to make a deal."

Y/N's voice trembled as she responded, "I don't want any part in your dangerous games. Let me go."

RM chuckled, a sinister smile crossing his face. "You may not have a choice, my dear. You see, I've been after Jin and Jimin for a long time, and you're my ticket to getting what I want."

Despite the fear that coursed through her, Y/N tried to stand her ground. "I don't know what you're talking about, and I won't be a part of this."

RM's expression darkened, and he gestured to his men. "Take her to the guest room and make sure she stays there. We'll see how she feels after a little time to think."

Y/N was escorted to a lavish guest room in RM's mansion and left there, the door locked behind her. Her heart ached with uncertainty, and she couldn't help but wonder what kind of deal RM intended to strike with Jin and Jimin using her as bait.

Back in Seoul, Jin and Jimin had launched a frantic search for Y/N. They knew that time was running out, and RM's intentions were far from clear. They couldn't risk leaving Y/N in the clutches of their dangerous rival.

The two mafia members were prepared to do whatever it took to rescue Y/N and bring her back safely. As they delved deeper into the dark underworld of the mafia, they faced challenges and dangers that would test the limits of their resolve and the strength of their love.

Y/N, trapped in the grandeur of RM's mansion, was at the mercy of the rival mafia boss. Her fate hung in the balance, and the choices that Jin and Jimin would make in their desperate pursuit to save her would determine the course of their love story. The battle between love and danger raged on, and Y/N's future remained uncertain

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